The Finish Line's Sarah Greene broke both legs and arm when husband's helicopter crashed

Sarah Greene was once hospitalised after being involved in a horror helicopter crash. The TV presenter, famed for fronting Blue Peter, and her late husband Mike Smith were seriously injured in a crash in 1988.

Sarah, 66, who now presents The Finish Line alongside Roman Kemp, broke both of her legs and an arm when the helicopter, which was being piloted by Mike, crashed into trees close to where he was trying to land in Gloucestershire.

BBC Radio DJ and Top Of The Pops host Mike - who passed away in 2014 - suffered a broken back and ankle, with both he and Sarah winding up in hospital.

Mike Smith and wife Sarah Greene
Sarah with late husband Mike Smith -Credit:REX/Shutterstock

A lady whose husband helped to pull Mike and Sarah from the wreckage gave an interview to the BBC at the time. She said they'd "heard" a crash as they watched the helicopter arrive.

"We were watching it arrive - the plane circled and the next moment it fell and we heard a crash," she said. Mike and Sarah had been on their way to visit friends near Cheltenham.

Thankfully, the couple both made full recoveries. Mike was also cleared of blame after an investigation by the Civil Aviation Authority.

A year after the crash, Mike and Sarah tied the knot. They were married from 1989 up until Mike's passing in 2014. He suffered complications after major heart surgery, resulting in him losing his life at the age of 59.

Sarah Greene
Sarah has found love with a new man -Credit:Ken McKay/ITV/REX/Shutterstock

Following his passing in 2014, Sarah has found love again with one of Mike's oldest friends, ex-British touring car champion Robb Gravett, and has even suggested that Mike played a part in their relationship, which began in 2022. She previously said Mike had been "pulling so many strings" in her life since his passing.

"I sort of know Mike is pulling so many strings in my life," she said on the My Time Capsule podcast. "He has undoubtedly been responsible for me meeting my beloved who was one of his oldest friends, who waited a certain amount of time but did keep leaving messages on the answering machine. I thought he was just being kind."

"Then I got a message almost saying 'For God's sake, Greeno, Robb is trying to make contact with you because he actually wants to take you out, not because he's kind. So will you just get off your arse and go and answer the phone next time it rings!

"And lo and behold, a whole new conversation started. I'm sure, and Robb is very sure too, because it's a very strange situation," she added.