The Chase's Paul Sinha reveals the cruel way his mum learnt he was gay with devastating 4-word statement

The Chase’s Paul Sinha has spoken out about how his mother discovered he was gay, and how his chance to tell her himself was taken away from him thanks to a friend who drunkenly outed him one night.

Speaking to Loose Women panellists Kaye Adams, Frankie Bridge, Brenda Edwards and Kelle Bryan on Thursday 27 June, Paul explained how a prank led to his mum finding out he was gay.

“Coming out to my mum was an interesting process,” he said. “Somebody at a house party we were hosting had a few too many drinks, rang up my number and went ‘your son is gay’ and put the phone down.”

Paul Sinha
Paul spoke about being outed with the Loose Women panellists -Credit:ITV
Paul Sinha
Paul Sinha on Loose Women -Credit:ITV

“It was not how I wanted her to find out,” he explained. “I thought it’d be more organic and sweet. It was difficult to have the agency of a decision taken away from you.”

He also revealed he still isn’t sure who made the phone call to his mum. “We’re going to have a poll, I’ll give you a list of all the friends it could have been,” he joked.

Paul, who is known to fans of The Chase and Beat the Chasers as The Sinnerman, has been open about his sexuality since being in the public eye. The 54 year old quizzer is married to Oliver Levy, a trained medical doctor and GP. The couple got engaged in 2019, and Paul revealed on Loose Women that he proposed to Oliver.

“It was over Christmas, I was drunk,” he said. “I had a drunken epiphany that I wanted him to be part of my family officially rather than just unofficially. Plus, it’s nice to have your day in the sun, a day that’s just about you two.”

Paul and Oliver
Paul with his husband Oliver earlier this month -Credit:Getty Images

Now married for five years, Paul proposed to Oliver with a £20 ring from TopShop. On Loose Men, he explained his choice of jewellery: “The one thing I knew he wouldn’t value was an expensive ring; that’s not what drives the relationship. It’s companionship and love and having fun, it’s not the value of jewellery. So I didn’t want to spend any money on the ring. It’s more money I can spend on the wedding.”

Paul has also spoken openly about his Parkinson’s disease diagnosis, writing on Twitter in 2019 to confirm the news. “I have Parkinson’s Disease,” he wrote, “I will fight this with every breath I have.”

He also recently shared how he was doing on BBC Breakfast, while promoting his book One Sinha Lifetime: Comedy, Disaster and One Man’s Quest for Happiness. “As long as my brain functions and I can fulfil my dreams of being a stand-up comedian and quizzer, I'm a happy man!”

“I hope you'll agree my medication seems to be controlling things quite well,” he added.