Could sleeping apart from your partner lead to more sex?

A nationwide study of British couples revealed that those who sleep apart have more sex. [Photo: Getty]
A nationwide study of British couples revealed that those who sleep apart have more sex. [Photo: Getty]

A new survey has found that a third of British couples who sleep separately reported having a better sex life now that they sleep in separate beds.

Before you grab the saw and hack your double bed into two singles, it’s worth noting that a whopping 74 per cent of separate sleepers do so because their partner snores.

But, even if they don’t snore? Who cares. Bensons For Beds Sleep Expert, Stephanie Romiszewski, says “don’t be ashamed” to sleep in a separate room if needed.

She continued: “You will have a good night sleep and potentially less arguments.”

Where do we sign up?

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If this sounds like the dream to you (you know, those dreams you’ve been missing whilst listening to your partner snore?) you’ll be pleased to know that it doesn’t have a big impact on our love lives.

1 in 4 people believe that sleeping apart has improved their relationship overall.

Less snoring equals more sleep. More sleep equals happier people. It makes sense – or does it?

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Sex and relationships expert, Hollie Brooks, believes that couples who share a bed are “sharing more than just sleeping and snoring”.

She also thinks that couples who share a bed are “much more likely to get intimate” but admits, “you have to put the work in.”

Her top tip? Keep your bedroom free from gadgets and distractions. She continued: “I keep my bedroom free of gadgets and television so the focus is only sleep and my other half which keeps things distraction free and leads to much more spontaneous sex.”

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