19 Stories From People Who Learned Something Surprising About Their Brother Or Sister That Caught Them Off Guard

We recently asked the BuzzFeed Community to share a shocking secret they learned about their sibling. Here are some of the things they revealed:

Note: Some submissions are from this Reddit thread.

1."A part of the living room in my childhood home always had an awful smell, but it was behind a heavy bookcase that no one could move, so we never knew why. My sister recently confessed that she would sometimes climb over the bookshelf and then poo on the floor. Even she has no idea why she would do that!"

Amber Riley, in a casual outfit, holding a phone with a shocked expression
Chip Bergmann / © Paramount Pictures / Courtesy Everett Collection

2."He's been stealing money from my mom for years to fund his one to two-pack-a-day habit. I know he tries to find my mom's money stash. He thinks he's sneaky, but it's pathetic how obvious he is."


3."I lived with my siblings since I was adopted at the age of 3. We were very close and always made sure to support each other. When I was around 17, my sister would go outside every day around 7 p.m. She was always gone for our evening card games, a family tradition. I soon learned that she was stashing alcohol in the nearby forest and selling it to parties with underage kids. She was always the quiet, studious type, and being 15, I had no idea this was even a possibility for her."

Various wine bottles arranged in a circle, viewed from above

—Anonymous, Colorado

130920 / Getty Images

4."About 10 years ago he came up as one of my matches on a dating website, even though he was adamant that online dating is lame."


5."I just found out my sister got married three years ago. She never posted about it or told anyone. I asked twice if she married her boyfriend and was told, 'No.' My parents didn't know either."

Alison Fyhrie, Philip Quinaz dressed as a bride and groom both having shocked looks on their faces in a courthouse setting

—Anonymous, Texas

© Oscilloscope Laboratories / Courtesy Everett Collection

6."Our parents still give her money. She makes over $100,000 but is always 'broke.' She'd be mortified if she knew I knew."


7."My sister is 20 years younger than I am and has a different mother. She didn't know that her mom had a baby with my father before she was born, and that baby was given up for adoption. My sister has one half-sister (me) and a half-brother who is several years older, but that adopted baby is her full sister. I shared her sister's picture, name, and location with her in 2019. There was no pressure on her to do anything, but I know that it broke her mother's heart to give up that baby."

Jaz Sinclair holding her pregnant belly while walking with a yoga mat and Regina Hall walking beside her
© Sony Pictures / Courtesy Everett Collection

8."I found out my brother has a diary and he writes everything that pisses him off in a day in there like a list."


9."I wish I didn't know my older sister only started spending time with my grandma who adores her so that my grandmother would leave her our childhood home. My sister wanted to rent it as an Airbnb, fulfill her dream of becoming a landlord, and never work again. She tried to talk me into co-signing a massive loan for her. When I refused she threw an enormous temper tantrum, then tried to get my mom and grandma to gaslight me into it by telling them I was selfish for not caring more about my sister. It's wild what money does to people. I've been the only grandchild involved for the past 10 years. She was always 'too busy.'"

Drew Sidora, Faune Chambers wearing a pink top and a denim jacket while standing in a room full of other people
© Columbia Pictures / Courtesy Everett Collection

10."She's a porn star. I found out the hard way."


11."My elder brother is still seeing a girl he said he broke up with a couple of years back. I've seen them out holding hands in a neighboring town a couple of times and ducked out of their way as I didn't want to embarrass them."

Two people holding hands near a waterfront at sunset, facing away from the camera. Their clothing features casual polka dot patterns
Tim Robberts / Getty Images

12."My brother has genital warts. I found his medication/topical for it one time..."


13."I've known for a while that I'm the favorite sibling, but I found out from my mom recently that she’s so frustrated with my brother and regrets having him in the first place. He's struggling mightily in school, dealing with mental health concerns, and getting bullied at school. It was a very high-risk pregnancy, and he almost didn't make it in the first place. Now my mom is convinced that his early-life health struggles have reduced his brain function, causing him to struggle in school, which is the root of all his other problems. As annoying as my brother is, I can't help but feel so bad for this poor kid. None of this is his fault. He works so hard in school, seemingly all for nothing, and now his mother doesn't even want him because of how much he's struggling and how afraid she is that he's going to fail in life."

A surprised Kristin Chenoweth sits on a couch holding a magazine

—Dacey, Washington

© New Line Cinema / Courtesy Everett Collection

14."I have two brothers with the same name but they are not related to each other. One shares a mom with me and one shares a dad with me. I found out they were each other's first gay experience."


15."I know my brother is a sociopath. He has everyone else around him fooled. I've seen him for what he is, years ago."

Maria Bakalova, Pico Alexander sitting on a boat with Marisa looking unsure while wearing sunglasses
© Lionsgate / Courtesy Everett Collection

16."I'm a visual learner and my sister LOVES to share her sexual exploits with me. The one that took the cake was when she told me that she had a clit piercing. What the hell?! I'm flinching typing that. I haven't heard another story after that."

—Portia, Nebraska

17."He doesn't know I took and read letters he had written to his future self. I think he forgot but they're hidden away and I plan to give them back to him."

A close-up image of a pen writing on a piece of paper filled with handwritten text. The text is blurred and not legible
Shanna Baker / Getty Images

18."My brother is 13 years older than me, but we still had a close relationship. He got married for the first time when I was 12. She was an amazing woman. She and I became close as well. 11 years into the marriage, we all find out that he fathered a child with another woman less than a year after the I do's, was having a decade-long affair with his childhood best friend's sister, and cheating with multiple other women. He's now been married three or four times (I've lost count) and cheated on all of them. He also stole $200,000 from our mom and tried gaslighting her about it. I've lost all respect for him and we haven't talked in a long time. I miss my brother."


19."My sister doesn't like pickles! PICKLES! We're identical twins and she's been my BFF since day one and it wasn't until we were in our 30s that she told me she didn't like pickles and had been secretly throwing them away. We talk about everything and somehow, I missed that all these years. All the pickles I could have eaten... just gone forever!"

Lindsay Lohan as twin sisters in "The Parent Trap"
© Walt Disney Co. / Courtesy Everett Collection

Did you learn a surprising secret about your sibling? Share your story in the comments!

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.