Cat Deeley reveals husband Patrick Kielty's 'thoughtful' gesture that keeps marriage happy

This Morning's Cat Deeley has been happily married to comedian Patrick Kielty for 12 years - and she shared an insight into their relationship that hinted at the secret to their success.

Cat, 47, and Patrick, 53, first crossed paths working on Fame Academy and married in 2012 after just nine months of dating, living in LA together for years before moving back to the UK in 2020.

The star couple, who are proud parents to sons Milo, eight, and five-year-old James, appear to have one of the happiest and most supportive celebrity marriages - and in a recent episode of This Morning, Cat revealed the little moment that explained why.

Discussing with co-stars Ben Shephard, Gyles Brandreth and Camilla Tominey the question "What's the secret to a happy marriage?", they each shared their views on how their relationships worked.

Cat Deeley has shared what makes her marriage to Patrick Kielty work
Cat Deeley has shared what makes her marriage to Patrick Kielty work -Credit:REX/Shutterstock
Ben and Cat discussed what makes a happy marriage
Ben and Cat discussed what makes a happy marriage -Credit:ITV

After Gyles told a toe-curling story about a surprise party he had arranged for his wife that she had been upset by, Ben told him: "No, I'm with Cat, no surprises for me," as his co-host agreed: "No, I'm not a big fan of those."

Ben added: "The surprise is me putting the bins out." Cat asked him: "With the bin juice?" and he replied: "I'll take all that on."

It prompted Cat to share a story about her own thoughtful husband that gave some insight into how their marriage works.

She said: "I remember once, Paddy watered some tomatoes when I'd left and I remember thinking, that's very thoughtful. Just very thoughtful."

Ben said of Cat's husband: "He's looking after the things you care about."

The TV stars have been happily married for 12 years
The TV stars have been happily married for 12 years -Credit:James Veysey/REX/Shutterstock

Patrick, who spends time away in Ireland filming The Late Late Show, has previously spoken about their strong marriage and how they make time for each other.

He said: "It’s a myth that we have a long-distance relationship. It’s really not what people think. We’re either both living over here, or we’re both over there, or we’re working. We sit there together, reading stuff like that and I’ll say, ‘Yes, this is a very long-distance relationship, now who’s making tea, you or me?’"

Ahead of Cat's This Morning debut, Patrick shared a supportive message to his wife writing: "I didn’t know what a morning person actually was until I met this woman. She gets up every day with a smile on her face. A 5.30am, whistling in the shower, smile on her face."

Gyles told a story about a misjudged surprise party
Gyles told a story about a misjudged surprise party -Credit:ITV

During the chat about happy marriages, Cat had confessed she "wouldn't like" a large surprise party Gyles had arranged for his wife Michele where he had invited around 70 guests.

He said: "It was a total surprise, all the family, all the friends, people she hadn't seen, girls she was at school with. A lot of work had gone into this and the day came and I realised I made a colossal, colossal mistake.

"I told her we were going out to dinner, I said dress up a bit, I told her where we were going - I think she thought we were meeting the children. When we arrived and she saw somebody she recognised on the stairs, I thought she was going to go home. I thought she was going to turn around and go home.

"There was a real moment of anger and I thought, oh my gosh, this is a special thing and it's going to actually end the marriage."

But luckily, he added: "After we'd got through the pain and the muttering that went right up to the door of the room - 'how could you do this!' - we went into the room and she very quickly thawed and it worked. But surprises can be risky."