The moment Prince William confronted Harry about Meghan

There's no denying Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's love story has touched many royal fans around the world, but it also has definitely been a whirlwind ride for the both of them, especially the former Suits actress.

In the space of 18 months, the 37-year-old became engaged to Harry, moved countries, gave up her acting career, married into the royal family, became pregnant with her first child and embarked upon her first gruelling royal tour.

But it's also been a whirlwind for the couple's families, and ahead of their royal wedding last year, Prince William reportedly expressed concerns over all the monumental changes taking place in his little brother's personal life.

In a new documentary on Channel 5 in the UK, Princesses At War, royal expert Katie Nicholl weighed in on the moment Wills confronted Harry about his relationship with Meghan.

"William was quite concerned that the relationship had moved so quickly," she explained.

She goes on to say that William, was "the only person close enough" to Harry to share his worries, and claimed the 37-year-old asked his brother if he was "sure" about going forward with the wedding.

"This seems to be moving quickly, are you sure?" Wills reportedly asked Harry.

Whilst Wills' concerns were simply loving brotherly concern on his part, the royal expert explained the "advice just riled Harry".

"Harry is hugely protective of Meghan, he saw that as criticism, he interpreted that as his brother not really being behind this marriage," Nicholl added.

She also believes things haven't been the same between the siblings since.

Reports of a feud between sisters-in-law Kate Middleton and Meghan began to emerge late last year, but some experts believe the true drama lies between the two royal brothers.

At the beginning of December, Kate shared her thoughts about the impending arrival of Harry and Meghan's first child – also subtly brushing off any feud rumours.

The 37-year-old was asked at a public appearance at Leicester University if she was excited about the Duchess of Sussex and her new baby.

"Yes, absolutely, no it's such a special time to have all kiddies," Kate replied.

"And a cousin for George and Charlotte as well, and Louis. So it will be really special."

The rumours of the supposed rift came around the same time Meghan and Harry, 34, announced they are moving to Frogmore Cottage, on the Windsor Castle estate.

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Until now, the Sussexes have lived in Nottingham Cottage – a two-bedroom house in the grounds of Kensington Palace, where the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge also live.

But there's little evidence to support the claims the two women "don't get on", royal biographer Duncan Larcombe previously told Yahoo UK.

"It would be a real shame to Harry and William if their wives don't get on, but it's quite a big leap of speculation," said Duncan.

"There is no particular incident or occasion where they didn't get on," he said. "It is a very broad claim to be making, and is likely just gossip from palace staff."

- This article first appeared on Yahoo

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