35 Deeply Upsetting Facts That Will Trigger An Existential Crisis In Every Single Person On Earth Over The Age Of 30

1. On 30 years ago:

Twitter: @IAm_JohnPaulAF

2.On the teens:

a kid calling the 2010s the teens
Facebook / Paige Coker

3. On Meet The Parents:

Twitter: @lordlucozade

4.On ID:

Facebook post by James Tak. James recounts a humorous supermarket experience where a cashier notes the '1' at the start of his birth year, realizing he is over 21
James Tak

5.On CDs:

person who does not know what burning cds is

6. On the '80s:

Twitter: @vinnie_paz

7. On the 1900s:

Twitter: @ElSandifer

8. On Friends:

Twitter: @dadmann_walking

9. On Pokemon:

Twitter: @jessecase

10.On $20 bills:

Two $20 bills placed on a surface, one older and one newer. Tweet text expresses feeling old due to cousin's unfamiliarity with the older bill

11.On home phones:

A Facebook comment by Kerry recounting a humorous story about a young volunteer's confusion over home phone numbers

12. On hanging up:

Twitter: @rachelmacg

13. On texting:

Twitter: @jeffmadams

14.On The Beatles:

Listening to Nirvana today is the same as listening to The Beatles in the 90's

15. On Dazed and Confused:

Twitter: @SteelofApproval

16.On Funniest Home Videos:

Text from just-shower-thoughts: Reflecting on the past when funny videos had to be mailed to a TV show, hoping they'd share them. Source: just-shower-thoughts

17.On projectors:

An overhead projector on a desk with a tweet above saying, "i really just asked my 12 year old brother what this was and he said a printer" followed by crying emojis

18.On Twitter:

yahoo answers question that reads i found a nineties phone with a hashtag button on it i thought twitter invented hashtags

19.On cords:

Tweet by @jordangerous reads: "Kid just asked me what this was and was genuinely shocked that phones ever had cords." Image shows a wall-mounted phone jack

20.On the Smashing Pumpkins:

Screenshot of a social media post reading: "If that Smashing Pumpkins song 1979 were written today, it would be called 2006. Just go ahead and sit with that for a minute." Comments include "How dare you" and "No one asked you."

21.On Kool-Aid:

person who doesn't know what a kool aid top is

22. On Austin Powers:

Twitter: @JJSingleton1

23. On cassettes:

Twitter: @CynicalMother

24.On music:

Close-up of an iPod Nano with text: "My 9 year old just asked me what this is. 'When did it come out? 1955? Is it for music?'" tweeted by Jodie Randazzo

25. On Netflix:

Twitter: @zimmer_donald

26. On rock 'n' roll:

Twitter: @SamMaggs

27. On commercials:

Twitter: @Dutch40k

28.On rooms:

Tweet by Eva (@evaamichelle) says, "There was a computer room in my house" in response to a tweet by Matt (@mattwhitlockPM) asking for something remembered that younger people wouldn't understand

29.On hanging out:

Facebook post by Anthony on October 24, 2020, asking about the first "I'm old" moment and sharing his experience of biking to a friend's house unannounced

30.On CDs, again:

person who doesn't know what burning cds is

31. On 9/11:

Twitter: @MsOeming

32. On movies:

Twitter: @AidenEJK

33.On 1985:

person pointing out 1985 would be about 2002 if it was written today

34. On Shrek:

Twitter: @IAmChrisJalbert

35.And on aging:

tweet reading you're not a 90s kid youre a 30 year old man

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