19 Photos That Made The Hair On The Back Of My Neck Stand Up Straight

19 Photos That Made The Hair On The Back Of My Neck Stand Up Straight

In the mood for some unsettling photos? We've got you covered! Here are 19 that were posted in r/oddlyterrifying this week that made me feel like we're all living in a horror movie:

1."This robot with a hyperrealistic face and expressions."

A robot with a human face

2."My MRI pictures are straight-up nightmare fuel."

A mirrored medical MRI scan of a human face resembling a creepy mask

3."I went into a backyard for a job and wondered why the guy sitting there didn't respond when I said 'Hello.'"

A mannequin in a T-shirt sitting at a table and reading the paper

4."Peter Patter the ventriloquist doll."

Vintage ventriloquist doll next to a "Peter Patter the Ventriloquist" book cover with illustrated children

5."I'm contracting on an eviction house for my boss and I find this."

A stuffed toy is trapped inside a decorative birdcage hanging from a ceiling, with dried flowers around

6."A staple in any aspiring cancer patient's beauty regime!"

A vintage box labeled "Dr. James P. Campbell's Safe Arsenic Complexion Wafers" claiming to be safe and harmless

7."Creepy ballroom."

Interior of a dimly lit historic hall with wooden floors, benches, and chandeliers
u/ferrydragon / Via reddit.com

8."This skincare poster in my pharmacy."

Woman holding a mask of her own face, text below reads "Hudpleje" which means skincare

9."Consome Panchi, the dog from a Japanese commercial."

Closeup of Consome Panchi dog

10."Was working in a lonely corner of an empty mall when I noticed this."

Elderly person doll peeking out with a smile from behind a partially open window on a brick building

11."Nice to know, Citizen!"

A blurred screenshot of a mobile notification about a registered offender living nearby
u/ObiSanKenobi / Via reddit.com

12."Pollen coming off a falling pine tree."

A large yellow smoke cloud billows from a device on a residential street, with trees and a clear sky in the background

13."The breathing sidewalk in Cadimare, Italy."

Image of a pavement with an arrow pointing at a detail, overlay text reads "WTF"

14."Face pie in a storage room."

A pie with a face on it

15."Miss America from the Japanese TV show Battle Fever J."

Miss America from the Japanese TV show Battle Fever J.

16."Saw this on my walk today. Scared the crap out of me."

a mannequin in a parked van

17."That building does not help my anxiety. The dude is hilarious, though."

Person observing a tilted building at night, creating an optical illusion of falling over

18."This lizard tail a spider picked up."

A lizard tail on a floor with a cobweb, near storage bins, indicating a surprise indoor wildlife encounter
u/Bottled__Bread / Via reddit.com

19.And finally, "This speculum device with teeth."

a speculum device with teeth on it