Why the Zercher Squat Should Be in Your Programme and How to Do It

performing a zercher squat
Why the Zercher Squat Should Be in Your Programme SolStock - Getty Images

One of the most overlooked and underrated squat variations is the Zercher squat. Although it has had a recent resurgence on TikTok, the move has been around for decades and is nothing new, favoured by strongmen for its difficulty and strength benefits since the 1930s. It will blow up your quads, glutes and core, and put your biceps and traps to serious work.

Named after Ed Zercher, Zercher was one of the strongest men in America during his strongman career in the 1930s-40s. Known for his minimalist approach to lifting, Zercher didn't have any squat racks in his gym, so he had to get creative with his lifts. Legend (the internet) has it, that the Zercher squat was frequently used by inmates in prison for the same reason.

The move is advanced, so MH break down how to do the Zercher squat to build muscle, regressions to help you master it, the benefits, and workouts for you to try.

sportsman taking a weight at the gym
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Muscles Used by the Zercher Squat

The Zercher squat is undoubtedly a full-body compound move. Here are the main muscles worked:

  • Quads: The quadricep muscles are one of the primary muscles to power the Zercher squat.

  • Glutes: The glute muscles work throughout the Zercher squat rep, especially at the bottom of the squat.

  • Hamstrings: The hamstrings which run down the back of the thigh power the rep.

  • Core: The core muscles work to keep the torso upright during the Zercher squat.

  • Back: The back muscles also support the upright position of the torso during the move.

  • Biceps: Since the barbell is held in the crook of the elbow, the biceps contract isometrically for the entirety of the set.

  • Traps: The trapezius muscle stays contracted during the reps to help keep the barbell in place.

The Benefits of the Zercher Squat

Core Emphasis

Due to the front loading of the Zercher squat, the move forces us to keep an upright torso and resist our trunk folding forward. This emphasis on core strength can have carry over to other moves, especially if you're struggling to keep your chest up in heavy squats.

sportive muscular man standing next to barbell and holding plates
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A Deeper Squat & More Muscle

The upright position of the Zercher squat tends to result in a deeper squat. A multitude of evidence supports a larger range of motion resulting in further muscle growth, making the Zercher a hypertrophic hard hitter.

Increased Variety

While consistency with your programme is key to seeing muscle and strength improvements, changing the exercise variation can improve enjoyment of your training while still improving the squat movement pattern.

Skill Demand

The barbell Zercher squat is an advanced move and will challenge your technique and strength. You have to have mastered the barbell back or front squat first in order to give it a decent go. However, that doesn't mean you can't try sandbag Zercher squats first.

How to Do the Zercher Squat

zercher squat
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If you have access to a squat rack:

  1. Begin standing tall in front of the squat rack, with the bar set just below elbow height.

  2. Un-rack the barbell in the crook of your elbows, with your chest lifted and core tight.

  3. Take a couple of steps back into your squat position, ideally a little wider than the hips with the feet turned out.

  4. Push your hips back into a low squat.

  5. Drive your heels into the floor to push yourself explosively back up to the start position.

If you don't have access to a squat rack:

  1. Place your feet at shoulder width under a bar. Bend your knees, hinge and grip the bar with a flat back. Perform a deadlift to bring the bar upwards. Brace your core and drive your feet into the floor to stand.

  2. Holding the bar at your hips. Squat down and keep your chest lifted. As you reach the bottom of your squat, the bar should be resting at your hips.

  3. Reach under the bar with each arm and clasp your hands together with the bar in the crook of your elbows.

  4. With the bar secure, pull your shoulders back and stand tall.

  5. Push your hips back into a low squat.

  6. Drive your heels into the floor to push yourself explosively back up to standing.

young muscular man training on the beach shirtless doing a front squat lifting a sandbag
Alvaro Medina Jurado - Getty Images

Zercher Squat Regressions and Variations

As mentioned, the barbell Zercher squat is an advanced move. In order to build up the prerequisite strength and skills for the move, try these first:

goblet squat
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Goblet Squat

How: Hold your dumbbell in front of your chest with your palms facing upwards. Standing tall, keep your chest up and sink your hips back, before bending your knees to drop your thighs until they are at least parallel to the floor. Drive up back to standing, ready to repeat.

Why: The goblet squat is the perfect place to start to build up your strength towards a barbell Zercher squat, once you manage a 20kg dumbbell, you can try the Zercher with an empty barbell.

weights, shoulder, exercise equipment, arm, standing, dumbbell, joint, muscle, fitness professional, physical fitness,
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Sandbag Zercher Squat

How: Hold the sandbag in the crook of your elbows with your chest lifted and core tight, feet a little wider than the hips. Sink the hips back into a low squat, keeping the back straight. Push through the heels back to standing.

Why: The sandbag Zercher squat is a great way to build up the upper body strength to support a barbell eventually. It will also help you learn the technique necessary for the move when the weight is higher.

sandbag zercher carry how to
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Sandbag Zercher Carry

How: Hold the sandbag in the crook of your elbows with your chest lifted and core tight. Walk forward purposefully and briskly without letting the chest fall forward or the sandbag drop.

Why: Making the Zercher move more dynamic with a carry will help you gain the core and upper body strength necessary, while also boosting cardio.

Zercher Workouts

  1. This 'Zercher' Finisher Builds a Solid Back and Core

  2. Carry Your Way to a Rock-Hard Upper Body with Our Barbell Carry Triad

  3. The Beginner’s Barbell Workout For Six-Pack Abs

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