Why do we sing in the shower and what are coins made of? Try our kids’ quiz
Clementine, 9, asks: why do people sing in the shower?
It helps them feel happier
Our voices sound better in the shower
Singing releases oxygen into the body
All of the above
Chelsea, 11, asks: why do old people get wrinkles?
So we know they’re old
When we get older, our skin is less elastic
We get wrinkles if we don’t wash our face when we’re children
If you don’t eat vegetables when you’re young, you get wrinkles when you’re old
Amalia, 7, asks: what are coins made of?
Real gold
Real silver
Plastic covered with coin-coloured paint
Otis, 5, asks: why do we have bogeys in our nose?
They trap viruses, dust and pollen in the air you breathe, so they don’t go into your lungs
So you have something to pick when you’re bored
So there’s stuff to come out when you blow your nose
When you don’t sneeze when you need to, your nose makes a bogey instead
Tovah, 5, asks: why does old people’s hair turn grey?
All the colour comes out by the time you’ve washed your hair over 10,000 times
Older hair just can’t be bothered turning blond or red; it gives up and goes grey
As we age, our hair makes less melanin, a chemical that gives it its colour
Older people’s hair used to turn pink; now it goes grey but no one knows why
1:D - Singing in the shower can help people feel happier; singing releases oxygen into the blood through deep breathing and distracts us from worrying about stuff. It’s fun because you sound better in the shower because of the acoustics, plus usually you’re on your own in a warm, safe space, so you feel relaxed and like singing., 2:B - When we get older, our skin becomes less elastic, with less fat and collagen in the deeper layers, so then we get wrinkles, especially in places where we pull the same expressions. Wrinkles add character to your face!, 3:A - Coins are made from metals, such as copper, nickel and zinc, usually a mixture of a few, pressed into layers, like a metal sandwich. This makes the coins strong, so they last a long time., 4:A - Bogeys help keep us healthy! They are dried-up bits of mucus, a sticky substance in our noses that traps viruses, dust and pollen, so they don't go into our lungs. It keeps our noses from drying out., 5:C - When we age, our hair follicles make less melanin, the chemical that gives hair its colour. When it has less melanin, it looks silvery grey.
5 and above.
4 and above.
3 and above.
2 and above.
0 and above.
1 and above.
Molly Oldfield hosts Everything Under the Sun, a podcast answering children’s questions. Do check out her books, Everything Under the Sun and the new Everything Under the Sun: Quiz Book.