Uh oh! Seven million Brits admit to taking intimate pictures of themselves, despite panicking they'll wind up on Facebook

Millions of Brits take intimate photographs of themselves on their phones, but five million panic they'll surface somewhere - so why do we do it?

We've seen many a celebrity bid a hasty retreat when an ill-thought out sex tape comes to light, but it seems we've learnt nothing from their mishaps.

Almost seven million of us have admitted to taking intimate pictures of ourselves on our phones, despite feeling sheer terror at the prospect of them ever surfacing anywhere.

In fact, despite so many embarrassing snaps lurking in our phones' photo albums, five million of us fear the worst - that one day they'll wind up on Facebook.

But it seems while we're happy to pap away shots of ourselves in all sorts of compromising positions, we aren't so sentimental when it comes to the rest of our pictures.

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According to a new survey, Brits are so brutal after a break up that 90 per cent will erase all pictures we have of them from our phones.

Forget burning everything your ex ever gave you or crossing his name out of the phone book, as nowadays we feel we don't get closure until those pictures on our phones have been deleted.

Our narcissistic social media tendencies don't stop there either, with 40 per cent of us snapping away on a night out just so we can brag on Facebook.

It's not just cocktails on a Friday night we like to share too, as we don't even put our phones down when it comes to snapping away at meal times or holidays.

But perhaps the most concerning fact is that we're so pap-happy we don't stop at taking pics of ourselves - or our exes for that matter.

New research, which was conducted by Nokia, showed that over eight per cent of us can hold our hands up to taking pictures of strangers they find attractive - regardless of whether it's in the doctor's surgery or on the Tube.

Thomas Messett, Head of Digital Marketing Europe at Nokia said: “Our research has given us a real insight into the ever changing quirky habits of the British public.

"It would appear that wiping your mobile phone pictures is a typical part of the digital break up and gone are the days when people would burn photos of their exes."

Would you admit to taking an intimate picture of yourself on your phone? Share your phone habits with us over on Twitter now.