These tweets reacting to the government resignations are just *chef's kiss*

Photo credit: Dan Kitwood - Getty Images
Photo credit: Dan Kitwood - Getty Images

It barely feels like news at this point, but once again Prime Minister Boris Johnson has found himself in hot water as multiple key members of his cabinet (including the now-ex Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, and Sajid Javid, now-ex Secretary of State for Health and Social Care) have handed their notice in.

Fellow Conservative MP Will Quince, who served as Minister for Children and Families, also tweeted that he'd resigned this morning, citing being wrongly briefed on claims involving MP Chris Pincher (who stands accused of sexual harassment) ahead of speaking to the media.

Naturally, as is custom at times like this, Twitter has well and truly come alive, with thousands taking to the platform to slag off the PM air their thoughts on the current shit show of a government. Y'know, the same people who were found to be having rave ups during the height of lockdown.

The hashtag 'It's Happening' began trending yesterday evening, as many social media users likened the resignations to rats fleeing a sinking ship (although many also said they didn't believe the PM would ever stand down, given he's already weathered being caught breaking multiple lockdown rules, repeatedly lying, spending over £100,000 on refurbishing his flat and many other scandals).

One Boris parody account commented with a faux job advertisement, saying, "An exciting opportunity has arisen for a Tory donor to cover the cost of a removal van. #sinkingship #itshappening"

A second Twitter fan added, "Boris Johnson has repeatedly lied, lied about lying & lied about lying about lying. Basically he just can’t stop lying. Finally though, at last, the game is up."

Another person compared the resignations to the dating show, Take Me Out:

While a further suggested Johnson may well be standing in 10 Downing Street feeling rather foolish:

Another likened the Prime Minister checking in on his appointed cabinet today to an extremely iconic Changing Rooms moment #neverforget:

One tweeter theorised as to who might be voted in as PM next, should Boris Johnson actually step down, putting 'Lord Voldemort' miles ahead of 'someone nice':

Another imagined what the inside of the PM's diary might look like today:

And even one confused American user tweeted, "I open Twitter and see the hashtag #itshappening...I think "Omg, is Trump FINALLY going down?"...only to find it's the UK Trump. Happy for them, sad for us."

We'll keep watching this space... and hoping that the PM finally does the right thing and admit to his failings.

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