‘Sweet’ mum attends stranger’s baby shower after everyone else drops out
A mother decided to help another woman in need by agreeing to attend her baby shower – even though they’d never met.
Jessica Lorena shared the story on Tiktok, saying that a mother-to-be had posted in a Facebook group sharing details of her shower.
“I’m having my baby shower on 17 October and don’t have a lot of friends to celebrate with so I’ll be doing an open invite,” read the post.
Jessica decided to step up and be a Good Samaritan, saying: “No mum should be feeling like she’s alone for her baby shower. I was like, ‘baby girl, send me that address. Send me that invite. I’m going to be there. I’m going to be putting that toilet paper around your belly; I’m going to be playing all the games.’”
The rest of the video shows her shopping to pick up gifts for the stranger’s shower. Having taken a look at the other woman’s baby registry, Jessica picked out toys she might want, a pack of washcloths and towels and even a small plastic bathtub.
This is despite, in her own words, being “broke” in the lead-up to Christmas. “Don’t call me cheap; call me broke, but don’t ever call me cheap,” she says to camera. “This is just what the budget is.”
While wrapping the gifts back at home, Jessica explains why she felt it was important to show up for the other woman and attend the shower.
“I remember when I was pregnant, I thought that somebody other than your family or your close friends were supposed to throw you a baby shower.
“So I was waiting and waiting, and nobody threw me a baby shower. And I cried and cried to my husband because I couldn’t believe that nobody was reaching out... That hurt.”
In a follow-up video, Jessica shows herself attending the baby shower.
“I’m really glad I came,” she says afterwards. “I know it was a risk, but I’m not the kind of person that lets bad things happening around the world stop me from being kind.”
TikTok users commended Jessica’s act of kindness. “This is so sweet of you, it speaks volumes of your character,” read one comment. “Pregnancy was such a lonely time for me. You are this girl’s village and she’s going to remember this forever,” said another.