The Seat Filler Next to Ben Affleck and J.Lo at the Grammys Speaks Out

65th grammy awards show
The Seat Filler Next to Bennifer Is Speaking OutKevin Mazur - Getty Images

A seat filler tasked with sitting next to Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez at the 2023 Grammy Awards is speaking out about their experience, and revealed that Bennifer was (a) super cute all night, and (b) fully knew Ben's anguished facial expressions were being meme'd.

"J.Lo showed Ben Affleck the phone and was like, 'Oh my god, honey, look at this meme circulating about you,' and he was like, 'Oh god this again,'" the seat filler, who goes by @almostannna on TikTok, explained. "Like, he knew during the performance that he was a meme. Like he knew, and he also chose just not to change his expression. I love how unbothered that is. So, I know that she was like on her phone and saw it and was like, 'Honey this is so funny, look at this,' and he was like 'Jesus Christ.'"

@almostannna went on to say that J.Lo and Ben were "super lovey dove-y, like their hands were always intertwined. Like, I don't know how to describe it but they just were, so it wasn't like, 'oh my god this is going to lead to divorce,' they were cute."

Oh, and apparently they "also they left early and Ben, like, took the skirt of her dress and lifted it up too much and J.Lo was like, 'Honey!'"

Kay, on that amazing note, excuse me while I go look into how I can become a seat filler for the 2024 Grammys. Bye!

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