Royal National Lifeboat Institution demonstrates Float to Live technique

The Royal National Lifeboat Institution launches its Float to Live campaign, demonstrating what to do if you fall into water unexpectedly.

Credit: Royal National Lifeboat Institution

Video transcript

So here today we are here to launch our float to live campaign.

This is a vital skill that you should remember should you fall into the water unexpectedly.

So here you can see Dominic is floating a bit like a starfish, but the idea is that anyone can float differently.

Anyone's legs might sink slightly.

Just lay back.

Tilt your head is submerged in the water and use your arms and legs to keep yourself afloat.

The important thing to remember is that you remain calm and breathe slowly, and then you can call for help or swim to safety if possible.

So take a look at Dominic.

He's using his arms and legs, and he's remaining calm.