'Prince Harry will have Palace doors shut to him if he follows through with provocative move'

The Duke of Sussex's memoir Spare rocked the Royal Family with many shocking claims that ranged from stories of fights between himself and Prince William to a plea from King Charles for the brother's to stop arguing.

While Harry himself said he had enough material for a second book, royal experts have said they can't imagine he would go through with a similar project as he would risk having "palace doors slammed on any hope of future reconciliation."

Former BBC royal correspondent Jennie Bond told OK!: "I can’t imagine that Harry would contemplate a follow up to Spare. He has indicated that he wants to move on: he has said his piece, vented his anger and faced the consequences."

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The Duke of Sussex's memoir Spare rocked the Royal Family -Credit:Getty Images for Invictus Games

Jennie continued: "I don’t believe for a moment that he will revisit his grievances in a second book. There might be one about his work, or Invictus or the joys of parenthood but not about his issues with the past.

"If he did go there, then I am sure the response would be a continued dignified silence and a resounding crash as the Palace doors slammed on any hope of future reconciliation."

prince william prince harry
Prince William and Prince Harry's rift has been widely reported on -Credit:Getty

Jennie's comments come after Royal expert Tom Quinn told The Mirror that the decision to publish a sequel to Spare would see an "end to Harry's relationship" with his family.

The royal author said: "Publication of a new book with yet more revelations about fights and bullying would certainly put an end finally to Harry‘s relationship with his family, even though there isn’t much of that relationship left anyway."

Prince Harry Prince William
Prince Harry's claimed he had enough material for a follow-up book to Spare -Credit:Getty

In a Telegraph interview at the time of Spare's release, Harry spoke candidly about having enough material to write a second book - but omitted several details as he feared his father and brother wouldn't “ever forgive” him if they were made public.

Prince Harry said in the interview: “The first draft was different. It was 800 pages, and now it’s down to 400 pages. It could have been two books, put it that way. And the hard bit was taking things out.”

He added: “There are some things that have happened, especially between me and my brother, and to some extent between me and my father, that I just don’t want the world to know. Because I don’t think they would ever forgive me.”