Ricky Gervais celebrates birthday with cheeky bid to fans to 'make a few quid'

Ricky Gervais at New York David Brent: Life on the Road screening
-Credit: (Image: AFP/Getty Images)

Ricky Gervais has celebrated his 63rd birthday, and to mark it he shared a hilarious Instagram post.

The British comedian and The Office star shared a short video on Instagram where he cheekily asked for help to celebrate the occasion. The tongue-in-cheek clip begins with Gervais singing 'Happy Birthday' to himself before he makes the funny plea.

Satirically, he said: "Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday dear Ricky, Happy Birthday to me.

"Don't get me anything." he continued, holding a drink. "Just get yourself a bottle of Dutch Barn Vodka, I'll make a few quid out of that anyway, so, cheers."

The post quickly garnered plenty of attention online, amassing more than 7,000 likes and a flurry of comments from adoring fans wishing him well. One gushed: "Happy Bday you brilliant specimen, thank you so much for all the smiles and laughs you bring to the world."

Meanwhile, others added: "Happy f***ing day to you, got f***all for you," and: "YOU are the gift though, to us!!"

This playful birthday celebration comes just half a year after Gervais became the co-owner of Ellers Farm Distillery in North Yorkshire, known for its vodka, gins, liqueurs, and English single malt whisky.

Gervais had a laugh previously about expecting to make 'hundreds of millions' from selling the vodka, all while highlighting the brand's commitment to sustainability. In a YouTube announcement, he said: "Sure, like all strong liqueur, it may damage your liver and your wellbeing.

"But think how happy it'll make me... So, and the saving the planet thing. Dutch Barn!"

Dutch Barn Orchard vodka can be purchased online for a reasonable £30. Distillers pride themselves on its 'crisp, smooth and crystal clear' consistency - a result of using fresh apples in production - and they claim it's super easy to drink.

Black Forest martinis, Yuletide Cherry Cosmos and French Martinis are among the cocktails they recommend for its use too, with detailed step-by-step recipes shown online.

"You can sip it neat if you like," its website reads. "Or it makes a damn good cocktail if that’s your thing. Either way, we invite you to rediscover just how remarkable vodka can be."

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