How to reheat chips without them going soggy

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Prima

Sometimes you simply don't have room to eat all of the chips you ordered from the local takeaway, but reheating them the next day is just a bit...gross. Not anymore, thanks to a clever hack uncovered by Metro.

The newspaper has spoken to award-winning fish and chip expert Magda Ganea, from The Real Food Cafe in Stirlingshire, and she has revealed the key to avoiding soggy leftovers.

To begin with, Magda says you need to remove moisture by patting your leftover chips dry. Sprinkling salt on them can also help draw out excess water but, the most important thing, she says, is ensuring your now-dry chips are cooked at a high heat.

Photo credit: Getty Images
Photo credit: Getty Images

Magda told Metro: 'Reheat in such a way that the water can escape. The perfect way to reheat chips is to deep fry, but frying them in a skillet can work just as well, use a very hot pan with a little oil.

'Alternatively you can grill them on a high heat, but move the chips regularly so as not to burn them.'

Meanwhile, if you like this hack, you'll love this one.

Several months ago, a clever Twitter user unleashed a total game-changer onto the world after revealing the secret to getting your hot takeaway home before it goes cold.

The hack, which simply involved placing your dinner on the heated seat in your car while cranking the heating up to full blast, went viral. Profound or what?

So now there's no excuse; go forth and enjoy a piping hot portion of chips...before tucking into the crispy leftovers tomorrow.

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