Race Across The World viewers share the same reaction to series winners

race across world viewers react to winners
Race Across The World viewers react to winnersBBC

Contains spoilers

After eight weeks of working odd jobs, kind acts from strangers and many, many taxis courtesy of Kevin, Race Across The World season three ended last night (10th May) with Tricia and Cathie crowned the winners.

It's been an emotional and challenging series, with last night's episode seeing the remaining three pairs Monique and Ladi, Zainib and Mobeen, and Tricia and Cathie race to the final checkpoint located in Cape Spear in Newfoundland.

It was a close race as Zainib and Mobeen had a 14 hour head start on the two other pairings, however it was Cathie and Tricia who managed to sneak into first place securing themselves the £20,000 prize fund.

race across the world cast

Zainib and Mobeen came in second place, and everyone's favourite daughter and dad duo, Monique and Ladi, were in third place.

Both women said they were "amazed" to have won, with Tricia saying she was so shocked to have won considering how they began the series. ICYMI in the first episode it took the women three hours to get out of the first park.

She said: "It is just crazy madness but amazing, absolutely amazing. We've raced across the whole of Canada, with sod-all budget, eaten cream cheese and crackers, got lost in Stanley Park and we've come first. How bloody amazing is that!"

Cathie also added she wanted to thank the people of Canada for all their help in securing their win. "I'm totally elated, I feel just total elation mixed with a bit of disbelief. I'm overwhelmed, it's incredible. I think it's the best way to say thank you to all of the people in Canada who have helped us get here. It's just unreal," she said.

race across world viewers react to winners

Since the announcement of Cathie and Tricia's win, viewers have been rushing to social media to congratulate the pair on their achievement.

One person said: "Absolutely thrilled for Trish and Cathie who won #RaceAcrossTheWorld. They truly deserved their win. All of the final contestants embodied the race and showed that love, friendship and kindness get you far in life. The people of Canada also were pretty special too."

Another said: "Good end to #RaceAcrossTheWorld glad to see Trish and Cathie won. Deserved winners from day 1 and shows what true friends are made of."

And another agreed saying: "Trish and Cathy! Well done on winning! Fantastic achievement fabulous series! #RaceAcrossTheWorld."

Throughout the series Cathie and Tricia have been firm viewer favourites thanks to their warm spirits, strong friendship and can do attitude.

Big congratulations Cathie and Tricia!

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