Prince Harry accuses Palace of playing 'dirty game' in second Netflix trailer

Harry and Meghan second trailer
Harry and Meghan second trailer

The Duke of Sussex has condemned the “pain and suffering of women” marrying into the Royal family, as he compared the treatment of his wife Meghan to his mother, Princess Diana, and accused those around them of playing a “dirty game”.

Prince Harry, speaking in a trailer for his new Netflix documentary, makes claims about the “hierarchy” of the Royal Family, appearing to accuse the institution of “leaking” and “the planting of stories”.

In a dramatic series of clips showing his late mother being chased by paparazzi, interspersed with footage of the Duke and Duchess, he says: “I was terrified. I didn’t want history to repeat itself.”

The Sussexes are set to launch their account of their time in the Royal family in a six-part Netflix series, airing from Thursday.

A new trailer shows Harry, looking out the window of a car in what appears to be his new home of California, telling viewers: “It’s really hard to look back on it now and go, what on earth happened?”

Old news footage shows Meghan being hailed as a “rock star”, before - as the Sussexes say in an on-camera interview - “everything changed”.

“I realised, they’re never going to protect you,” the Duchess says.

'It's a dirty game'

In his most incendiary claims yet about his own family and those who work for them, Prince Harry says: “There’s a hierarchy of the family. There’s leaking, but there’s also the planting of stories.

“It’s a dirty game. The pain and suffering of women marrying into this institution, this feeding frenzy.”

Previously, the couple have been careful to separate their criticism of the palace as an institution and the family itself. But the Netflix trailer makes no such distinction, although the full six programmes may yet.


Appearing to promise more revelations to come, Prince Harry says: “No-one knows the full truth. We know the full truth.”

The new release also features the Sussexes’ lawyer Jenny Afia, who claims: “There was a war against Meghan to suit other people’s agendas.”

The series is due to be released in two parts of three episodes each.

Netflix has confirmed “Volume I” will be aired on Netflix on December 8, with “Volume II” coming on the 15th.