Would you pay £2,500 for an expert to teach your children about sex?

Would you pay an expert £2.5K to teach your children about sex? [Photo: Getty]
Would you pay an expert £2.5K to teach your children about sex? [Photo: Getty]

Having the ‘sex talk’ with their children is something that most mums and dads dread, so much so that one couple have put out a job advert for an expert to do it for them.

According to the advert, listed on Childcare.co.uk, the parents have struggled to talk to their children themselves, and don’t trust their school to do a good enough job.

Wait, there’s more.

The parents are actually prepared to fork out a whopping £2,500 for the right candidate to educate their children on the birds and the bees.

The listing explains that the parents are looking for a childcare professional to teach the children “about the complexities of puberty, intimacy and consent” because they themselves are struggling to answer their questions.

According to the advert, the parents had hoped they would have more time before having to address the topic of sex but have got to the point where they need professional help to cover the topic with their seven and eight-year-old children.

The couple are hoping the successful candidate will cover a wide range of topics, including sex with both genders, rape culture and masturbation.

They also want both their son and daughter to learn about puberty for each gender, including periods.

The family, based in Somerset, has also asked for their children to be taught about ‘other genders’ including transgender and non-binary which they admit they would “really struggle” with if they had to cover themselves.

While the parents won’t be in the room for the sessions, they state that they will be at home in case the children feel uncomfortable.

The advert goes on to say that sessions will be recorded in case the children need a refresher on any of the subjects.

No I don’t want to hear about the birds and the bees! [Photo: Getty]
No I don’t want to hear about the birds and the bees! [Photo: Getty]

Speaking about the listing and approaching the difficult topic of sex with children, Richard Conway, founder of Childcare.co.uk said: “Having ‘The Talk’ is a rite of passage for any parent and their children, but it can be a difficult conversation to have, even for the closest of families. These parents are clearly willing to pay handsomely to make sure the sex talk is handled in the best way possible.”

“It can be difficult for any parent to admit they need help, but I’m sure these parents will be able to find someone in our community of 500,000 childcare professionals to help them. Especially as they’re willing to be flexible and appear very open to guidance. We wish them the best of luck in their search.”

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