Oreo Will Be Releasing Two New Flavors, But There's a Catch

They're missing the creme filling.

Another day, another Oreo flavor (or so it seems). Except this time, Oreo Thins are getting all of the attention.

Here is the skinny on the skinnies. According to The Junk Food Aisle, Nabisco is set to debut two new flavors just in time for summer (because they clearly do not want us to rock that new bathing suit we got last week). Your new seasonal Oreos are... *drumroll, please*...coconut and salted caramel.

We know what you are probably thinking: "these have been done before, right?" Shockingly, amid the bizarre Swedish Fish, Peeps and Hawaiian Fruit Punch varieties, we have yet to see America's favorite sandwich cookie's take on these very traditional and very familiar flavors. And if Mounds and basically every dessert with salted caramel are any indication, the taste of these bad boys should be pretty good.

While the brand has yet to officially confirm production and distribution plans, The Junk Food Aisle rarely gets it wrong. In fact, they have successfully predicted and spotted elusive flavors like Cookies & Creme, Candy Corn and Chocolate Strawberry before.

The only thing we are having a hard time wrapping our heads around is Oreo Thins' emphasis on the actual cookie and its lack of creme filling. Coconut and salted caramel seem like flavors that are more than deserving of the classic cookie treatment, so we don't want the company to skimp on any of the good stuff (good stuff being an excess of said creme filling, obviously). Nonetheless, we should probably just be grateful that these are not another peculiar flavor mash-up featuring a product that absolutely does not belong in cookie form. It is good to have at least some standards when it comes to our mid-afternoon snacking and these already seem to fit the bill.

This article was originally published on Food&Wine.com