17 "Hard To Swallow" Parts About Aging That No One Talks About, According To Older Adults

Getting older and living a long life is a privilege, but that doesn't mean aging is a walk in the park. When Redditor u/Fainne-Wu asked Reddit community members to share the hardest parts about aging, the responses were extremely insightful. Here are some of the hardest truths about aging that you might have never thought about or realized:

1."I miss living with my parents. I miss seeing my mom every day. I live across the world from her now, and although we call each other every day, it's just not the same."

A man, an elderly woman, and a young woman in a graduation gown stand together outside, smiling for a photo
Michael Grabois / Getty Images

2."For me, it's losing that feeling of innocence you had in your youth, like seeing your crush in class and imagining a relationship in your head. Swimming, eating junk food, and watching movies with good friends — no alcohol or drugs, just a family-sized bag of chips and a Dr. Pepper. It's hard to put into words, but I miss that feeling. When you get older, you lose the excitement of so many firsts: your first kiss, your first time sneaking out, your first time walking around a mall without parental guidance, first this, and first that. Life just felt so exhilarating. The feelings begin to fade out as you get older, and it's hard. Those times in the past were so happy."

Two women pose happily, smiling and wearing feather boas; one in red and the other in pink. They appear to be enjoying a fun, casual event. Names unknown
Jena Ardell / Getty Images

3."I can't drink like I used to. Thinking about how I used to drink at 18 gives me the shivers. As you get older, you also make a lot more noise, even when you're just moving about as normal."


4."Seeing my parents get older."

An elderly woman and man sit on a bench with a young girl between them, all smiling warmly at the camera
Jena Ardell / Getty Images

5."I could sound like a broken record that's been heard by all generations, but the truth is, as you get older, the healing process gets slower, and you end up in pain for longer periods of time. You'll hit a threshold where trying to work out the pain only makes it worse."


6."Accepting it."

An elderly man smiles while holding a cupcake with a lit candle as two young people kiss him on the cheeks, celebrating a birthday
Fg Trade / Getty Images

7."The complete inability to sleep in. The older you get, the earlier your body wakes you up. You don't necessarily need to be up for anything on Saturday or Sunday morning, but your body has decided to go to work on your off days. When you're a teenager or in college, sleeping 12-14 hours is considered completely normal and acceptable when there's nothing to do. I would pay $100 a night if I could get 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep and actually feel well-rested when I wake."


8."It becomes more difficult to make new friends, even as your closest ones move away, die, or just drift apart over time."

Two men wearing suits playing a game of checkers at a table in a diner booth
Zave Smith / Getty Images

9."Reflecting on the past and wishing you could change certain aspects of your life. Sometimes, it's asking yourself, What if I had done one random thing differently? But then you understand that this is your life now, and there is no going back and no do-overs. The tough reality is that it's hard; you have goals and hopes you never quite achieved, and you constantly ask yourself why you didn't die sooner."


10."I regret not enjoying my childhood! I took a lot for granted as a kid. Man, that saying, 'Youth is wasted on the young,' couldn't be more true."

Woman and child playing in a pool. The woman holds the smiling child above water
Owen Franken / Getty Images

11."It is increasingly more difficult, expensive, and complicated to do something about a career rut and/or the need to break out and retrain for something else. That, and discovering real talents and passions for things that you realistically have no time or possibility to pursue because you wasted your younger years working jobs you hated to chase someone else's dream."

A person sits at a desk working on a computer that displays a map. The workspace is organized with maps and books around
David Sailors / Getty Images

12."Feeling your body get worse while your mind doesn't seem to age."


13."I heard someone talking about 'not knowing when the good ole days were,' and it's true. You don't know those days are over until they're behind you, and sometimes, if you're lucky, you can have multiple times in your life that are like that. I hope that rings true for the rest of you."

Four friends laughing and lounging casually on a green couch in a cozy living room with guitars on the wall
Oleh_slobodeniuk / Getty Images

14."Getting both more responsibility and freedom. Like, you could do anything, but that could also fuck you up — and there's no one to stop you from doing that."


15."Time is perceived faster for some reason. Everything speeds up, and you're still trying to catch up. In some ways, it's good, like making the work day go by quicker. In others, it's bad, like having less time for friends and the hobbies you used to be able to devote many more hours to."


16."With each passing day, my chance to see the world passes. I don't have the money to travel as much as I want, and I know I will die missing out on so much. It's a sad reality for everyone, but it's still hard to handle."

A woman in floral swimwear relaxes on a beach chair, eyes closed, enjoying the sun by the sea
Jena Ardell / Getty Images

17.Last but not least: "Seeing people you love make the same mistakes as you did."


If you're an older adult, what do you think is a difficult aspect of aging that no one really talks about? If you want a chance to be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post, let us know your experience in the comments! Or, if you want to submit it anonymously, you can do so using this form.

Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.