How to motivate yourself to go to the gym

Going to the gym can be a daunting task but your body and your mind will thank you for it later.

Finding the motivation to go to the gym regularly can be tough, however, it can become easier if you get yourself into a routine.

Lee Mitchell, personal trainer and UK Fitness Ambassador at Renpho, has listed several tips to get you motivated and into the gym.

Mondays are a must

Start your week off right by going to the gym and treating your body to some well-deserved post-workout endorphins.

"Never underestimate the power of starting your week off right," Lee says. "Make Monday your launchpad for success by prioritising a healthy breakfast and staying hydrated throughout the day."

He adds, "Don't worry about going all-out on your first session; even a light workout can give you a psychological boost and set the tone for the rest of the week."

Manage your time

Managing your diary effectively will help you stay organised and motivated when it comes to your workout routine.

"Time management can be a major roadblock to consistent gym visits," the personal trainer insists. "Treat your training sessions as essential appointments by scheduling them like important meetings. This way, you're less likely to skip workouts due to a busy schedule."

Establish a pre-workout routine

Creating a pre-workout routine can help you prepare for the gym, for example, by hydrating your body.

"Fuel up with a meal 90-120 minutes before your planned session, take on some caffeine if this suits your current diet, hydrate well and consider adding a high-protein shake or some creatine to amp up your energy levels," Lee recommends. "A well-crafted pre-workout routine can put you in the right mindset and ensure your body is physically prepared for the session ahead."

Remember your goals

Reminding yourself of your goals and how far you have come since the beginning of your fitness journey is a great way to stay motivated.

"Never lose sight of what inspired you to start your fitness journey," Lee advises. "Remind yourself of your goals regularly, and immerse yourself in inspiring content like motivational videos or insightful blogs on food and fitness."

Create the habit

Staying consistent is key and will help you to get into the habit of going to the gym on a regular basis.

"Remember, it takes 66 days to create a habit, and a second to break one," Lee says. "Keep consistent and watch your motivation grow - with the right mindset and approach, you'll achieve your fitness goals in no time. Keep pushing forward and celebrate every step of your progress."