On His Majesty’s secret service: inside the Royals’ special relationship with James Bond

The future King Charles with Daniel Craig on the set of No Time To Die in 2019 - Chris Jackson/Getty
The future King Charles with Daniel Craig on the set of No Time To Die in 2019 - Chris Jackson/Getty

When it was announced in the mid-1990s that James Bond’s new boss was to be a woman – with Judi Dench taking on the role of “M” – one sensed that the franchise’s producers wanted to be congratulated for moving with the times. But throughout his 70-year spying career, James Bond’s real boss has always been a woman, and the man Dench’s “M” dubbed a “sexist, misogynist dinosaur” was in fact always proud to serve the late Queen.

A copy of the Annigoni portrait of Queen Elizabeth II hangs in Bond’s office; in the film of On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, he offers a toast to the picture after he decides to resign from the Service, with the words “Sorry Ma’am”. Of course, everybody watching the film knows that Bond’s sense of duty will never allow him to resign permanently – one of many affinities between Bond and the late Queen. (Another was the late Queen’s fondness for a dry martini at the end of the day’s work, until her health forced her to give it up in 2021: I’d bet any footman who stirred it rather than shook it was gently corrected.)

It seems entirely appropriate that Charlie Higson is to publish a new James Bond novel to mark the accession of Charles III, in which Bond’s mission is to thwart a super-rich villain’s efforts to disrupt the Coronation. Bond and the Royal Family have been bound together in numerous ways over the past 70 years.

Ian Fleming’s first Bond novel, Casino Royale, was published 70 years ago on April 13, just a few weeks before the Coronation of Elizabeth II. Some may argue that these two coevals, Bond and the Queen, were alike in being figures who offered a comforting sense of nostalgia for the era that had come to an end by the Fifties, when the English had policed the world and its monarchs had held real power across the globe.

But whether that is true or not, the worldwide popularity of the Queen and Bond has meant that in their different ways they have made vital contributions to the cultural “soft power” which has constituted one of Britain’s most successful means of promoting its interests post-Empire – or, as Roger Moore put it in The Spy Who Loved Me, “keeping the British end up”.

The late Queen meeting Sean Connery at the premiere of You Only Live Twice in 1967 - Shutterstock
The late Queen meeting Sean Connery at the premiere of You Only Live Twice in 1967 - Shutterstock

Ian Fleming was a great admirer of Princess Elizabeth long before she became Queen, and in 1950 he dropped a few hints to his wife’s cousin – who happened to be Martin Charteris, the Princess’s private secretary – that he have a go at writing speeches for her. The offer was accepted.

Drafting a speech for the Princess to deliver to American journalists on a forthcoming trip to Washington, Fleming was determined to offer something more than “a few conventional phrases” – he felt that the US press were “the intelligentsia of America [and] quite a different kettle of fish from the meagre scriveners of England.” Clarence House rejected his unplatitudinous speech, however; and a jolly good thing too, as Fleming might never have got round to creating Bond if he had become a royal speechwriter.

The first mention of the Queen in the James Bond saga occurs in Fleming’s third novel, Moonraker (1955), when the multi-millionaire businessman Hugo Drax writes to the Queen directly, offering to fund a British “super atomic rocket”, and duly receives a knighthood. Drax, a covert Nazi, has more sinister plans at his construction site, however, and it underlines his credentials as a cad (he also cheats at cards) that he should lie directly to the Queen.

Bond’s admiration for the Queen – and her role in his romantic self-image - is made clear when he is mulling over whether to accept a knighthood himself at the end of The Man With the Golden Gun (1965). “Don’t you want to go to Buckingham Palace and see the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh and kneel and have your shoulder touched with a sword and the Queen to say ‘Arise, Sir Knight’?”, asks the latest Bond girl, Mary Goodnight.

The late Queen meeting Pierce Brosnan, Halle Berry and director Lee Tamahori at the premiere of Die Another Day - WireImage
The late Queen meeting Pierce Brosnan, Halle Berry and director Lee Tamahori at the premiere of Die Another Day - WireImage

“I’d like all those things,” Bond replies. “The romantic streak of the SIS”. (In the end, though, he can’t stomach the thought of becoming Sir James – “I’d laugh at myself every time I looked in the mirror to shave.”)

The Bond films boast perhaps an even deeper connection with the Royal Family than Fleming’s novels. The element of patriotism was jacked up for The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) to mark the Queen’s Silver Jubilee, most notably in the memorable stunt in which a ski-ing Bond is chased off a cliff, but happily saved by the unfurling of his Union Jack parachute.

Almost every Bond premiere has been attended by one or other member of the Royal Family. The Queen herself attended the premiere of You Only Live Twice in 1967, at which she reportedly asked Sean Connery to confirm that this was his last outing as 007 (which he did, inaccurately as it transpired). Her Majesty also made it to the premiere of Die Another Day in 2002 – another jubilee year, marked in the film by the Branson-ish businessman Gustav Graves (Toby Stephens) parachuting into Buckingham Palace in a vulgar publicity stunt as he goes to receive his knighthood; like Drax, he turns out to be a villain, of course.

Honor Blackman - aka Pussy Galore - photographed with the Duke of Edinburgh in 1964 - Daily Mirror
Honor Blackman - aka Pussy Galore - photographed with the Duke of Edinburgh in 1964 - Daily Mirror

At the fag-end of Pierce Brosnan’s reign as Bond, Die Another Day was perhaps not the best of the Bonds to force Her Majesty to endure. But one of her biographers, Gyles Brandreth, has confirmed that the Queen was in general a genuine fan of the Bond pictures – or at least the early ones, “before they got so loud”.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s views on the loudness of the films are not known, but he has been credited with unwittingly saving the franchise in its early days, or at least allowing it to take the rather saucy route it began to follow in the mid-Sixties.

The story goes that the American film censors had conniptions over Goldfinger (1964) – specifically over Honor Blackman’s character being naughtily named Pussy Galore. Happily, however, Blackman was photographed with the Duke at an event in London, and, as she later recalled, “the Americans saw a picture on the front page of an English newspaper with me talking to Prince Philip and the headline read, ‘The Prince and the Pussy.’ They were taken aback but they took that as permission that it was a decent film and decent character otherwise Prince Philip wouldn’t be talking to me”.

Undoubtedly, however, the greatest of all Bond-Royal encounters occurred in the Diamond Jubilee year of 2012, when 007 met QEII to mark the opening ceremony of the London Olympics. It was the Queen herself who suggested that she appear with Daniel Craig’s Bond in the proposed sketch set at Buckingham Palace, and even insisted on her part being beefed up. “On the day we were filming, she said to Danny Boyle [the sketch’s director], ‘I think I should have a line’. She bagged that. She didn’t have a line in the script,” recalled the sketch’s writer, Frank Cottrell-Boyce.

As all the world knows, the sketch culminated in the Queen accompanying Bond into a helicopter and apparently arriving at the opening ceremony by parachute. Of the international front page headlines the next day, my favourite was Die Welt’s “Das neue Bond-Girl ist 86” – “the new Bond Girl is 86”. It was all a testament to how much the late Queen valued Bond as a British brand.

Her son and heir seems to share his late mother’s enthusiasm. The King has in the past attended Bond sets during filming – notably during the making of The Living Daylights (1987), when he and the then Princess Diana toured “Q”’s laboratory at Pinewood studios, and the Princess seemed to take great delight in being given the opportunity to smash a prop bottle of wine over her husband’s head.

The original script for the film had featured a scene involving Charles and Diana, a la Janet Brown and John Wells’s turn as Margaret and Denis Thatcher in For Your Eyes Only, but the idea was hastily dropped when it was discovered that the Prince Charles lookalike who had been hired had recently served a prison sentence for a serious crime.

The King’s enthusiasm for Bond seems unabated however, and he also visited the set of the most recent of the films, No Time To Die; the veteran producer Barbara Broccoli revealed: “He had a lot to talk about with Daniel [Craig]. They both have a love for Aston Martin. Boys with toys!” It was also reported that he had been offered a part, although I don’t recall spotting the future King on Lyutsifer Safin’s island when the film came out. (Meghan Markle was also reportedly on a shortlist of actresses to appear in the film, before the emergence of her relationship with Prince Harry rendered her ineligible.)

Perhaps one day we will see a Royal cameo appearance in a genuine Bond film. But in the meantime let’s imagine Bond raising a dry martini to his former boss as, for the first time in 70 years, he contemplates no longer being on Her Majesty’s Secret Service.