You need to know these 5 ways to take doggy style to the next level

young couple lying bed in bedroom and smiling
5 ways to take doggy style to the next levelblackCAT - Getty Images

When it comes to sex positions, you might have a few favourites that you rely on, from the standard (hello, missionary) to the more unique (e.g. the pinball wizard). Then, there are the positions that you can turn from 'meh' to 'mind-blowing' with just a few simple tweaks – and that's where doggy style comes in.

So, how to do it? From discovering the best sex toys to add into the mix to switching up your location and adjusting your position, keep scrolling for 5 ways to make doggy style even more interesting…

(Note: while this article refers to sex between a woman or a person with a vagina, and a man or a person with a penis, there is obviously no reason why any gender pairing, with the right accessories, can't have a great time with doggy style.)

What is doggy style?

Not familiar with doggy style? Let's start with a quick refresher session. Doggy style is a rear-penetration position, where one partner (the woman in this instance) gets on a hands-and-knees position and the male partner enters her from behind.

Doggy style can be used for both vaginal and anal penetration thanks to its easy-access position.

What are the benefits of doggy style?

Depending on your doggy style positioning (yep, there's more than one way to do doggy,) you're able to reach maximum penetration and stimulate a whole host of different pleasure centres.

'Doggy style is a wonderful position for intercourse for a number of reasons,' says Certified Sex Therapist Dr Nan Wise, PhD. 'First of all, having sex from behind allows the penis to stimulate the front wall of the vagina (the side that faces the front of the body, closest to the belly).

By stimulating the vagina in this way, the pressure on the wall of the vagina stimulates the G-spot, a place where stimulation enrolls the entire clitero-urethro-vaginal complex (CUV for short), including the internal clitoris (the "legs" of the clitoris straddle the vagina) and the paraurethral sponge (the female prostate gland).

'As we show in our research, stimulating the CUV complex (commonly referred to as the G-spot) tends to recruit multiple sensory nerves in the body and activates corresponding sensory pleasure processing places of the brain. Talk about a big bang for your buck.'

Applying pressure to the G-spot (which Dr Wise confirms isn't a singular spot but a whole area on the front wall of the vagina) can lead to higher intensity pleasure. Need you more convincing to give it a whirl?

Who is doggy style best suited to?

Literally, anyone, since doggy style can be used for vaginal and anal penetration with a penis or toy.

'It’s especially well-suited for people with vaginas who like to be active in sex,' Dr Wise advises. 'The position enables the receiver to easily move their pelvis back and forth as well as to adjust the angle of the penetration. This can increase the receiver's ability to maximize pleasure by changing the angle of the position. It also brings a lot of blood flow and energy to your genitals which empower sexual pleasure.'

What if doggy style feels too intense?

It could be that you haven't received enough stimulation before going gung ho with doggy-style sex.

'Do not attempt doggy-style sex or any kind of penetration before making sure that the external clitoris, internal clitoral bulbs, and entrance to the vagina, itself, are nicely engorged,' says Dr Wise. 'Not only will this make sex more enjoyable, but it will also facilitate lubrication and make intercourse more comfortable.

'Here’s a great tip: Before attempting intercourse of any kind make sure that you or your partner massages the vulva on either side of the opening to the vagina. By applying pressure and massaging this region you will stimulate the clitoral bulbs – part of the internal clitoris which hugs the entrance to the vagina. Remember that the clitoris is as long as the penis but most of it is internal.'

And if doggy style still feels too deep? Try playing around with positioning to find an angle that feels more comfortable for you, possibly one where the entire penis or toy is not penetrating the vagina.

How can you make doggy style more intense?

Dr Wise recommends trying a modified version of doggy style (called flat doggy style) where the receiver lies flat on their tummy and the partner enters from behind.

'To get into this position, the receiving partner lies on their stomach rather than being on hands and knees,' she instructs. 'If you put some pillows underneath the receiving partner's belly, you facilitate deeper penetration. The penetrating partner can also latch their feet around their partner's legs to pull them in closer.'

What if the receiver needs more stimulation in doggy style?

Try reaching down and stimulating your external clitoris (though, this is, admittedly, easier when in flat doggy style and your hands aren't needed to prop your body up).

Dr Wise also advises:

  • Rhythmically rocking your pelvis during stimulation to increase blood flow rather than keeping your body stiff.

  • Intentionally and rhythmically contracting your pelvic floor muscles during stimulation.

  • Using your mind to focus on the sensations without chasing the orgasm and/or enjoying your fantasies while also stimulating the breasts and nipples.

  • Adding some input from an anal plug to provide more stimulation that can enhance sensations from the genitals.

  • And last but not least, adding nipple stimulation to ramp up the sexual sensations.

'The more erogenous zones that can be stimulated, the more intense pleasure you will feel,' she says.

You can also introduce a clitoral stimulation toy to help ramp things up a bit with minimal effort on your part.

How can you make doggy-style sex more exciting?

'The receiver can put their hands through their legs (particularly if on hands and knees) and grab their partner's inner thighs or massage their testicles and scrotum,' says Dr Wise. If your partner has a vulva you could introduce a toy to stimulate their clitoris. 'I recommend Hot Octopuss’ KURVE which has an incredibly soft, clitoris-friendly tip,' she adds.

Another way to ramp up the excitement? Pleasure sounds. 'Making deep throating guttural pleasure sounds can be a big turn-on for both partners and can actually help to facilitate orgasm,' says Dr Wise.

Finally, Dr Wise recommends stimulating as many erogenous zones as possible for more intense pleasure. 'If you’re curious to explore your pleasure potential, I developed what's called The G-Scale – a Richter-style scale for monitoring orgasmic magnitude,' she says.

'Essentially, the more erogenous zones involved, the higher your climax will read on the scale, from a Magnitude #1 to the ‘G+’ peak, where the g-spot plays a fundamental part – doggy style is the perfect position to help you reach this.'

How do I have sex doggy style?

Get into position

On all fours? That’s you done. Your partner then kneels behind you, with their upper body straight up or slightly draped over you.

What’s the benefit?

Deep penetration and easier G-spot stimulation. Happy Friday to you.

Next-level move

Stimulate your clitoris with one hand, or ask them to do the finger work for you. Bonus.

Can’t figure it out? Picture this:

Finger, Shoulder, Elbow, Joint, Human leg, White, Sitting, Knee, Temple, Neck,
Finger, Shoulder, Elbow, Joint, Human leg, White, Sitting, Knee, Temple, Neck,

5 more ways to switch up doggy style

1. Prop yourself up with pillows

Depending on where you're getting frisky, doggy style isn't always the most comfortable on your hands and knees (carpet burns, anyone?). Use pillows to prop yourself up, cushion yourself in, and make things a whole lot squishier in general.

2. Introduce accessories

Introducing sex toys and other accessories is a great way to maximise your pleasure when trying out different sexual positions. From playing with discrete vibrators to adding lots of lube, you'll be surprised how the addition of an accessory can take your experience from zero to 100.

Doggy style is a great position to experiment with sex toys. Try using a vibrator to stimulate your clitoris at the same time as your partner enters you from behind (and get ready for the ultimate blended orgasm.) Feeling kinky? Try introducing nipple clamps, a vibrating cock ring, or anal beads. The opportunities really are endless.

3. Mix up your location

Another one of the great things about doggy style is that you can pretty much do it anywhere, (within reason!). Try it on the stairs, on your sofa, in the shower, or over your kitchen counter.

4. Adjust your positioning

Doggy style is great for accessing your G-spot. Have your partner go low and slow while you relax your upper body down so that your torso is flat against the bed. You can also try lying flat against the bed (or floor, sofa, wherever you fancy!) and have your partner lay on top of you, for seriously deep penetration.

5. Control the penetration

Doggy style is also a great position if you like to control the depth of penetration. By bringing your legs closer together, the tighter your vaginal canal becomes. This way you're able to heighten sensitivity and have more control over how deep your partner penetrates you.

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