Influencer reveals what 'gym body' actually looks like in two pictures taken minutes apart

An influencer has challenged the "perfect" bodies we see online

It's difficult not to compare yourself to the fitness influencers you see on social media. Their perfect abs, flat stomachs and toned legs can make us feel bad about ourselves for not looking like them.

But social media platforms provide users with an vast array of photo editing tools, creating a grey area around authenticity.

The constant pictures of "perfect" bodies on social media can have a devastating impact on some people's self-esteem. But it's important to remember that not everything you see online is real.

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Clever lighting and angles can dramatically alter someone's appearance, even before considering editing and photo-enhancing software, reports The Mirror.

To fight this phenomenon, an influencer has taken it upon herself to redefine what a "gym body" truly looks like, providing an honest representation of real life off social media.

Olivia Nevill, who shares her fitness journey with over 200,000 followers, changes our expectations of 'before-and-after' fitness transformations.

Recently, she posted a photo of her natural stomach, aiming to prove that intense training doesn't automatically result in a flawless body.

She compares two photos captured only a minute apart - one featuring Liv posing with tensed muscles and a seemingly flat abdomen, and another displaying a more relaxed, curvy physique, making a powerful statement about authenticity and body positivity.

In the second photo, she’s pictured casually from the side with her tummy appearing fuller and less toned. Captioning the post, Liv shared: "I've trained four times a week for the past years, and I still don't have a flat stomach, bloat, have a lower belly bump, have insecurities, have stomach rolls when I sit down, have stretch marks."

She continued: "I used to constantly compare to each person on my feed but I've slowly come to realise just how the gym girlies look like regular, normal people! It's just about finding love in it all - and showing a happy, healthy body in both, just a split second apart, in a different lighting.

"That person you see online that you are striving to look like, feeling guilty over every meal eaten, constantly restricting to look that bit more like them."

The drastically different pictures were taken just minutes apart
The drastically different pictures were taken just minutes apart -Credit:Instagram/livlivinlife__)

She explained the reality behind social media images, stating: "They're simply posing for a photo, which means YOU are comparing your natural body to a posed, filtered and - in some cases - edited picture of your favourite fitness influencer. Now don't get me wrong, we all want to show ourselves off in the best light, but it's important to keep things like this in mind!"

In her day-to-day life, Liv says her abs "don't look extremely defined, my muscles aren't popping out", yet they appear so when she poses and flexes for photos.

Ending on an encouraging note, she stated: "So here's your reminder to move AWAY FROM BODY GOALS and STRIVING TO LOOK LIKE SOMEONE ELSE! As it's not REAL LIFE!"

Her post received over 9,300 likes many positive comments that praised her "refreshing" perspective on body image.

One follower commented: "You are so real. I love what you doing and showing people what is real and don't have to worry or hate our body because its normal if it isn't always 'perfect'".

Another said: "So refreshing to see normal bodies existing on social media."