Here's how to write a thoughtful message in an engagement card

person writing on heart decorated white paper in a red envelope
What to write in an engagement cardninelutsk - Getty Images

When loved ones announce their engagement, writing a heartfelt message in an engagement card is a great way to celebrate the news. After all, a handwritten note can be kept for years to come.

So how do you write a meaningful message for the happy couple? Is it best to go down the funny and sweet route? Or should you opt for a more serious tone as you wish the pair the best in their future lives together? And here's a tricky one – is it ok to mention the all-important wedding?

A useful thing to consider here is the relationship you have with the couple getting engaged. Who you are writing the card for? Do you know both people in the couple? Whether it's a family member, a close friend or a work colleague, the type of note you write is likely to vary depending on the recipient. If it's a new relationship, it might feel safer to stick to a short and sweet note that gets to the point.

If you're stuck for ideas, work out what to write in your engagement card with our handy engagement wishes etiquette guide.

What do you write in an engagement card?

The most important thing to do in an engagement card is to congratulate the couple and wish them well for their future together. Getting engaged is a major milestone in a relationship! The message can be short and sweet or something more detailed if it's a close family member, such as a son, daughter or sibling.

While you can mention the wedding – perhaps by sending best wishes for planning the big day – try to avoid adding pressure about the nuptials, such as when or where they might be and who will be invited. The couple have only just got engaged, so it's a good idea to let them enjoy this time.

engagement celebration with family
AleksandarNakic - Getty Images

Is it okay to write a funny message in an engagement card?

Of course, especially if you know the couple well! They'll no doubt treasure a card with a few in-jokes, nicknames and a funny message. Just keep it clean in case they decide to put your card on the mantelpiece or show the kids!

What do you write in an informal engagement card?

We like these informal engagement wishes:

  • So happy to hear the news of your engagement. Big congratulations!

  • Congratulations to one of our favourite couples. Now let's drink champagne to celebrate!

  • Congratulations [insert names] on your happy news. Let the celebrations begin!

  • It makes us so happy to see the two of you so happy. Congratulations!

  • Here's a little something from us to you to mark this special moment [if you're including a gift].

What do you write in a formal engagement card?

We like these formal wedding wishes:

  • Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness together.

  • Congratulations on finding the perfect partner to share your life with. May your engagement be the start of a long and happy life together.

  • May the years ahead be filled with happiness and lasting joy. Congratulations!

  • Congratulations on your engagement – may your life together be filled with happiness.

cheerful family enjoying drinks at engagement party
Klaus Vedfelt - Getty Images

What do you write in an engagement card to a brother or sister?

  • I'm over the moon that my brother/sister is engaged. I couldn't be happier!

  • I couldn’t be prouder of my brother/sister. Congratulations!

  • I’m so thrilled you’ve found someone that makes you so happy. I can't wait to watch you get married!

  • Welcome to the family, [insert name]! I'm so happy that you found each other.

What do you write in an engagement card to a friend?

  • You and [insert name] are made for each other. I know your marriage is going to be as strong as our brilliant friendship.

  • I'm so proud of my best friend! This is such a special moment and I can't wait to celebrate with you.

  • I'm over the moon that you're taking this exciting step in your relationship. Bring on the big day!

  • Wishing you both huge congratulations on your engagement. I'm counting down to the wedding!

What do you write in an engagement card to children?

  • We're the luckiest parents in the world to have watched you grow over the years. We can't wait to welcome [insert name] into our family.

  • We're overjoyed that you have found your perfect partner. This is such an exciting chapter that will be packed with amazing memories.

  • We're sending a lifetime of love and happiness to you both!

Check out more brilliant wedding ideas here.

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