Hafthor Bjornsson Is Back to Training with 5lb Dumbbells after Horrifying Pec Tear Injury

hafthor björnsson 5lb dumbbell bench press
Hafthor Bjornsson Trains with 5lb DumbbellsInstagram (@thorbjornsson) / Getty Images

Having achieved the insane feat of winning the Arnold Strongman Classic, the Europe's Strongest Man and the World's Strongest Man competitions in the same calendar year back in 2018, Hafthor ‘Thor’ Bjornsson is no stranger to lifting impossibly heavy weights – check out his 501kg World Record deadlift if you haven't already.

But even a former World’s Strongest Man experiences setbacks from time to time. In April this year, the 34-year-old suffered a horrifying pec tear injury, which left him unable to train and a huge scar across his chest.

Bjornsson was attempting to set a new bench press PB at his gym in Iceland when the accident happened, but as he was lowering the 556lb barbell, his pec tore apart, which caused a loud pop, leaving him shrieking in pain.

In his latest update since the injury, Bjornsson revealed that he is finally back training, albeit lifting much lighter weights than he's used to.

In a video posted to Instagram, the Game of Thrones actor has gone back to basics and can be seen benching just 5lb dumbbells. 'Feels good to be back lifting in the gym!' he wrote. 'I know it’s only 5lbs but we all start somewhere and this is my starting point.'

The pec tear wasn't his only setback, either. Four weeks after the operation to fix his torn pec, Bjornsson revealed on Instagram that an infection from the surgery had caused an abscess which needed to be drained with a tube, so it's great to see him back lifting, even if some way off his previous PBs.

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