Elle Macpherson reveals how she changed her diet to benefit her skin
Elle Macpherson has taken on a healthy diet to benefit her hair and skin.
The 59-year-old supermodel has turned to multivitamins, minerals and supplements whilst also making sure her menu is full of "greens" and other natural foods to benefit both her internal health and the way she looks.
She told Harper's Bazaar: "After getting dressed I have my greens – The Super Elixir, which combines 50 multivitamins and minerals, adaptogens, probiotics and prebiotics. Then from 10am I have a snack of something light but nourishing, like a chia pudding, coconut yogurt or fruit with sprouted almond butter. Then I take supplements for whatever I'm working on: good hair or skin, or immunity, for example.
"At around 2pm I often have a big smoothie with everything I can find to put in it, like frozen banana, protein, coconut milk, chia seeds, flax, toka. And then I have my major meal around 4pm. I'm plant-based and follow an Ayurvedic type of diet. I do this not for any weight control, but because I love to be easy on my digestive system and I want the nutrients I consume to be readily available. So, I might have a big brown-rice bowl with avocado and sprouts and sunflower seeds, a curry, pho or sushi. I try to support regenerative farmers and choose things that are organic – the quality of the food that I have directly affects the way I feel."
Away from the catwalk, Elle has created wellness company WelleCo and explained that because of the "high-quality" ingredients her company uses in their product, she is now feeling "truly nourished" both internally and externally.
She said: "Investing in WelleCo! And not just for my health, because there's a purpose to it that’s greater than my own wellbeing – I want other people to experience the life-changing understandings that I came into 10 years ago.
"When we are truly nourished from within with high-quality ingredients, we not only have better digestion, better sleep, better hair and better skin; we become more vibrant in our life and therefore more beautiful – because we are inspired, courageous, confident and energetic. When we bring that into the world, the world becomes a better place.