Daily SPF skincare products for your face, hands, eyes and hair
Spring has sprung and with it has come some mighty fine weather. But while we all love soaking up some rays, what is all of this exposure to the sun doing to our skin? Most of us just about remember to use a moisturiser with a sun protection factor (SPF), but how many of us think about protecting our hands or feet or hair? Hate to break it to you, but sun spots – and other forms of sun damage – will affect your extremities too.
Plus, let’s not forget the extremely delicate skin surrounding the eye contour. And our hair needs help defending itself from the sun, too.
Slapping on sun lotion might seem like a bit too much for an hour in a pub garden – especially if the weather forecast predicts merely ‘sunny spells’ – but there are plenty of other products around that you can incorporate into your daily beauty regime to protect your skin on-the-go.
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