Countryfile star Adam Henson's wife used their wedding day 'to say goodbye' after cancer diagnosis

Adam and Charlie prepared for the worst
Adam and Charlie prepared for the worst -Credit:(Image: Getty)

Adam Henson - star of Countryfile - and his partner used their wedding ceremony as a heartfelt farewell when his other half, Charlie, received the devastating cancer diagnosis. The couple decided to exchange their vows before Charlie embarked on a course of surgery and treatment.

Looking back on the touching ceremony last year, Adam shared with the Daily Mirror: "We cried a lot. Those vows cemented my emotions and let me say from the heart how I feel about Charlie.

"The registrar wasn't aware of our situation and said she'd never had such an emotional couple. For us, it was a way of saying goodbye to everyone."

Adam has opened up about wife Charlie's cancer diagnosis ahead of their wedding day
Adam has opened up about wife Charlie's cancer diagnosis ahead of their wedding day -Credit:INSTAGRAM

Adding her own perspective, Charlie said: "It was a horrible position to put everyone in because you're trying to be happy, but I was going into hospital the next day and didn't know if I'd be coming out. It was the best possible last day I could have had."

The couple have been open up about Charlie's devastating cancer diagnosis after the mum of two was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in early 2021 after falling ill towards the end of 2020.

Tests found a four-and-a-half centimetre tumour on Charlie's pancreas, located in a 'tricky position'. The couple had both known people who had passed away from pancreatic cancer, leaving Charlie convinced she was going to lose her life.

Adam said it's changed the way he looks at life
Adam said it's changed the way he looks at life -Credit:Channel 5

She prepared for her potential death and even penned letters to her husband, their children and her sisters before she went into an operation. Thankfully, Charlie's fears didn't come true.

"We knew people who'd died of pancreatic cancer and I absolutely felt this was going to be the end of my life," Charlie previously admitted. Her diagnosis then prompted her and Adam to get married, after being together since they were teenagers.

Adam has also mentioned that his attitude towards balancing career and family life has shifted. Instead of encouraging his kids to push for getting ahead professionally, Charlie's health battle has taught him the significance of cherishing life, reports the Express.

In his words, he said: "Friends and family are even more important to us now - they've been so supportive. In the past, I'd push the children to be more career-focused and get ahead."

"But now I'm kind of - just have a lovely time. Look after yourselves - but have a lovely time doing it, because you just don't know what's around the corner."