How to cook ham

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How to cook ham

A glorious centrepiece for a Sunday lunch, or a practical way to meal-prep, cooking a ham can seem like a big undertaking, but once you know the rules, it’s effortlessly easy.

Follow our Good Housekeeping guide and you’ll be dishing up a perfect ham that will have your diners rushing back for seconds…

How is ham made?

Gammon/hams differ to a standard piece of meat because of the curing process they’ve been through. Hams are made from the hind leg of pork, and are either wet or dry brined in a mixture of salt, sugar and special curing salts (these help keep it pink), for days/weeks, until the cure has penetrated through to the centre. The bigger the joint, the longer the process takes.

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Diana Miller - Getty Images

What’s the difference between gammon and ham?

They’re really the same thing, but one is cooked and the other is uncooked. Gammon is the term used for the raw meat. Once it’s cooked, it’s referred to as ham.

Is gammon expensive?

Gammon prices vary hugely – determining factors include where you buy it from, what level of welfare the animal received and also what the curing process was.

Gammon from a specialist butcher or organic farm will be more expensive than a supermarket’s standard offering. We always recommend buying the best quality that’s within your budget.

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Lew Robertson - Getty Images

What kind of ham should I buy?

Gammon comes in a variety of sizes and styles, so it depends on what occasion you’re making your ham for.

If you want an easy-to-cook ham that you’re planning to cool and slice for every-day lunches, or are feeding around 4 people and serving it alongside some other bits and pieces, a small boneless joint that’s about 1kg is ideal.

If you’re hosting a larger group, or it’s the designated showstopper of your supper table, a larger gammon that’s on the bone will feed a crowd (with leftovers) and looks suitably celebratory. It’s worth putting in an advance order with a butcher for bone-in gammon, as they aren’t as readily available as their smaller, boneless counterpart.

Is ham on the bone better than boneless?

Gammon cooked on the bone has a superior succulence (and makes gloriously glossy ham stock), but if you want to be able to carve thin slices with minimal fuss, then a boneless joint is your best bet.

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Rebeca Mello - Getty Images

Should I buy smoked or unsmoked ham?

Unsmoked or smoked is a personal preference. Unsmoked is arguably more versatile as its milder flavour means it will marry with a multitude of ingredients in your meals.

Do I need to soak the ham before cooking?

Older curing practices required gammon to be soaked overnight before cooking, to draw out excess salt into the water. Modern processes mean you don’t need to do this, but if you want to minimise the saltiness of ham, you still can.

Should I remove the string before cooking?

Leave the string alone! The shape of the ham before you boil it will determine how it looks after cooking.

If you have a boneless joint that isn’t tied, it will uncurl and set into a wobbly ‘c’ shape as it simmers. Tie bands of string around the meat, about an inch apart to turn it into a niftily neat barrel of ham that is an ease to carve.

How do I boil a ham?

Weigh your gammon, then put it in a deep pan that is large enough to accommodate it comfortably, and can be covered with a lid. For a flavoursome finish, add some fragrant bits like carrots, onions, peppercorns, bay and thyme in with the meat. Fill the pan with water, bring to the boil then skim off the white frothy layer that forms on the surface. Lower to a simmer, cover and cook for 25min per 450g. Top the water up with freshly boiled water from a kettle if too much evaporates (don’t use cold water as this will lower the temperature and your cooking times will be out of whack).

You can also cook gammon in other liquids. Acidic ones are popular for yielding a totally tender result – try cola, pineapple juice or cider.

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Martin Steinthaler - Getty Images

How do I bake a ham?

You can cook a gammon in the oven from raw to make a baked ham. Sit the joint on a rack above a roasting tin filled with water, cover with foil and cook in the oven at 180°C (160°C fan) mark 4 for 20min per 450g, plus an extra 20min at the end.

How do I cook a ham in a slow cooker?

Cooking gammon in a slow cooker is much the same as cooking it on the hob, but the lower temperature means that it takes roughly 2hr per 450g on a medium setting. Make sure you buy a ham that neatly fits inside your slow cooker, then cover with water and add any aromatics.

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How do I cook a ham in a pressure cooker or instant pot?

Pressure cookers are the fastest way to cook a piece of gammon. You can either wrap the joint in foil and sit it on a trivet over water (some will say this makes a juicier ham), or you can cook the joint in liquid with the aforementioned veggies and herbs (great if you want ham stock at the end). Once the pan has come up to high pressure, cook for about 35-45min for a 1-1.5kg joint, then allow the pressure to release naturally.

How do I know a ham is cooked?

A ham is cooked when the internal temperature reaches 71°C. If you don’t have a thermometer, push a skewer into the centre of the joint, then remove and touch to the inside of your wrist – it should feel too hot to keep on your skin. You can also pierce the meat with the tip of a knife and check the juices run clear.

What do I do with the ham once it’s cooked?

Once cooked, you’ve got a few options. You can slice and serve the plain cooked ham hot, or you can glaze and bake the joint (see below), or you can cool and chill the cooked/glazed ham and serve in thin slices.

How do I glaze a ham?

Glazing a ham is exceedingly easy if you follow a few simple steps:

  1. First, remove the rind and some of the fat covering the ham whilst the joint is still hot (but cool enough to handle – about 15min after it’s cooked). Take a small sharp knife and with it parallel to the meat, slip it under a corner of the rind, then use long sweeping motions to cut through the fat, pulling the skin away with your fingers as you go. It’s advisable to leave a 5mm layer of fat on the ham, just to give it a little protection from the hot oven.

  2. You can then score a diamond pattern into the fat layer, if you want to add a decorative touch, and if you’re feeling fancy, stud the diamonds with cloves too.

  3. Sit the ham on a rack set above a roasting tin and preheat the oven to 200°C (180°C fan) mark 6.

  4. To make the glaze, brush mustard over the skin, then pat brown sugar over the mustard to stick. For a spiced glaze, stir together equal amounts of mustard and sugar and then add small amounts of spices like cinnamon or mixed spice.

You can experiment with your favourite mustards, or use sticky preserves like marmalade, or redcurrant jelly. For a twist, opt for asian spices and flavours.

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How do you carve a ham?

If serving hot, allow the ham to rest, covered with foil, for about 20min on a board before carving. Use a large sharp knife and slice across the grain.

You can also use two forks to shred the ham, if you prefer.

If you’re after wafer-thin slices, allow the ham to cool and then chill if for at least 4hr or overnight before carving.

Can I freeze ham?

Ham freezes fantastically well. You can either stash it as chunks to shred/slice, or freeze the slices themselves.

Try to wrap ham as tightly as possible in multiple layers clingfilm, expelling out as much air as you can before freezing, to prevent freezer burn and drying out. Or, alternatively, store in an airtight, freezer-safe container.

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Cultura RF/Diana Miller - Getty Images

What can I do with the cooking liquid?

Ham stock is very salty, but makes exceptionally good soup (that won’t need seasoning!). You can use it in place of chicken stock in this little pea and ham number.

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