Chris Evans wants to date a dog lover

Chris Evans won't date someone who doesn't love dogs.

The 'Captain America: The First Avenger' star is devoted to his rescue pooch Dodger and while he won't ask his furry friend to vet any potential partners because he "likes everybody", he admitted it is an important criteria for him that any girlfriends like his pet.

Asked if Dodger's opinion about his dating life matters, he said: “Dodger’s probably a tough barometer because he likes everybody… I think it’s more important the other way around. You gotta make sure the person you’re interested in loves dogs.”

The 41-year-old actor insisted Dodger is "such a good dog" and always does what he's told.

He told 'Extra': “I hate to, you know, brag, a little bit, but he’s such a good dog!

"I think I’m the boss [in the house]. He doesn’t really do anything that would require him to be the boss… he’s so agreeable and just up for anything.”

Chris named his dog after a character from animated classic 'Oliver Company'.

He explained: "When I first saw Dodger, I was like, ‘Oh, man, he kind of reminds of the Dodger from ‘Oliver Company.’ It was just kind of a casual thought… Then, in the process of trying to come up with a name, I just kinda couldn’t get Dodger out of my head.”

The 'Gray Man' actor has been single since 2018 but recently admitted he is "laser-focused" on finding a life partner.

He said: "My goodness. Laser focus — you know what? We’re gonna do this. I’m gonna give you a good answer. Maybe [I'm] laser-focused on finding a partner, you know, someone that you want to live with. I mean, look, I love what I do. It's great. I pour all of myself into it.

"But...even this industry is full of pockets of doubt, hesitation, and recalibration in terms of really trying to find someone that you really can pour all of yourself into. Maybe it's about trying to find someone that you're looking to spend your life with."