The Deep Symbolism and Meaning Behind a Butterfly's Colors

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The Full Meaning Behind a Butterfly's Colors borchee - Getty Images

Butterflies have long been believed to represent transformation and change, thanks to the stunning metamorphosis they must go through to go from caterpillar to the winged pollinator so many of us welcome into our gardens each year. But did you know that different butterflies are believed to hold a different meaning? In fact, many people say that each different shade of these winged insects represents a unique quality or belief.

So, what are the different butterfly color meanings? Well, the answer to that question depends largely upon what you believe and what you're hoping to see. That's because much of the symbolism behind these concepts is drawn from multiple cultures and religions, allowing a lot more interpretation. For example, seeing a black butterfly may comfort someone grieving the loss of a loved one, another person may spot a black butterfly and believe that it represents wisdom or mystery.

But, even with that much room for interpretation, there are some things that everyone can agree on. So grab your favorite journal or notebook and start jotting down where and when you see different shades of butterflies. This way you'll remember when you see one of these beautiful pollinators out in the wild.

Brown Butterflies

While many brown butterflies can be confused with moths, there are a number of darkly colored insects out there, including Satyrs, Coppers, and Skippers.

Thanks to their natural coloring, you're more likely to find this variety of butterflies in wooded areas and near trees. It's believed that spotting some of these bugs can be interpreted as a need to remain grounded in life.

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Blue Butterflies

It's pretty unusual to spot a blue butterfly, so those who see them flitting around may be excited to catch a glimpse of the cheerful-looking insect.

But, for those who find special symbolism in the colors of these bugs, there's an added layer of joy to the discovery since some believe that blue butterflies symbolize happiness and a coming change in one's luck.

There are a few different varieties of blue butterflies, including the Ulysses and Adonis.

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Purple Butterflies

We're used to seeing the color purple used to signify royalty, but according to some, purple butterflies — like the purple emperor and the Colorado hairstreak — are the symbol of strength and resilience.

Additionally, there are some who associate this shade with spiritual awakening, which is why it can be used to symbolize someone's journey toward spiritual enlightenment.

No matter which of those ideas resonates most with you, it's worth noting that above all else the purple butterfly is believed to be a sign to keep moving forward.

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Orange Butterflies

Many folks may be a little more aware of orange butterflies when they see them thanks to the widespread updates about the plight of the monarch butterfly.

And much like the monarch, whose populations are starting to rebound after people across the country began planting native milkweed to sustain the beautiful bugs, orange butterflies are often a symbol of encouragement and transformation.

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Yellow Butterflies

If you're looking for signs of good luck, don't look to green butterflies. Instead, keep an eye out for the yellow wings of a sulfur, tiger swallowtail, or alfalfa, since these buttery-colored insects are most commonly associated with bringing good luck to those who spot them.

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Red Butterflies

Those who are in mourning may be especially thrilled to receive a visit from a red butterfly like the red admiral. That's because it's believed that red butterflies are otherworldly visitors sent to us by our deceased loved ones.

There are others who view the presence of red butterflies as a sign of passion or love, prompting some to see them as symbols of intense romantic feelings.

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White Butterflies

As with many beliefs surrounding the color white, there are those who see these pale winged butterflies as being a symbol of purity.

Whether that means the traditional specter of innocence, or otherwise the healing from a physical or spiritual wound, white butterflies are believed to represent a pure nature.

Some common types of white butterflies include the desert marble species as well as the cabbage white.

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Green Butterflies

One of the rare butterflies on this list, green butterflies are especially exciting to see floating around since many believe that they represent good fortune and financial gain.

Green varieties of the insect include the emerald peacock swallowtail and the tailed jay.

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Black Butterflies

While black is typically associated with mourning, those spotting black butterflies out in the wild may be happy to know that these dark and mysterious insects can also be associated with some of the more alluring sides of the circle of life, including wisdom and mystery.

Not only that, but some believe that black butterflies — like the black swallowtail and guava skipper — are a sign that a loved one is reaching out to offer protection from beyond the grave.

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