Bride and groom divide Internet by planning to ask guests maths questions during wedding

A bride and groom have divided the Internet by planning to ask their guests maths questions at the wedding breakfast [Photo: Getty]
A bride and groom have divided the Internet by planning to ask their guests maths questions at the wedding breakfast [Photo: Getty]

Many soon-to-be weds like to incorporate something of their own interests in their big day. But one bride has divided the Internet by asking her guests to answer maths questions during their wedding celebrations.

Detailing her unusual request in a Facebook post, which was then shared to Reddit, the bride-to-be wrote: “Since both [husband] and I are mathematicians, our wedding (which is coming up so soon!) will be perfused with mathematical tidbits.”

She went on to explain exactly how maths will be incorporated into the wedding.

“At dinner, guests will be required to answer a mathematical question in order to find out where they sit,” she sited as an example.

“Every guest/couple will be presented with a unique, bespoke question its difficulty and subject matter drawn directly from what we know their mathematical background to be.”

It was about this particular point that many people voiced their objection to the maths theme because it insinuated that the couple had already pre-judged their guests in terms of mathematical ability.

“A very large number of our guests have research-level mathematical backgrounds, so for most of them their question has been drawn directly from their research papers or thesis,” the bride added.

And many users were confused by the idea that guests would be seemingly assessed for their intelligence.

The user who shared the post to Reddit made their thoughts perfectly clear in the title they chose: “Math-shaming. Don’t worry- the difficulty will be drawn DIRECTLY from the guests’ background! No offense! (My immediate RSVP would be no.)”

And others agreed.

“That’s one way to subtract a lot of guests from your wedding,” one user wrote.

“Potentially belittling to certain guests,” another commented. “Incorporate your passion for math in a way that won’t be frustrating or embarrassing in my opinion.”

Where you sit in the seating plan might depend on how good you are at maths! [Photo: Getty]
Where you sit in the seating plan might depend on how good you are at maths! [Photo: Getty]

Others were more open to the idea of being set maths questions before the wedding breakfast.

“While it’s true that this could end up a disaster, on the surface it’s kinda cute and adorable,” one user wrote. “Suggests a small intimate party and they’ve paid attention to each guest. Doesn’t really scream entitlement or aggressive.”

“I think it’s really cute actually. Very nerdy, but cute,” another agreed.

Some Reddit users could see the funny side to the unusual wedding theme.

“Upon looking into my background, they would likely decide to just sit me at the kid’s table,” one user wrote.

“Ok. I’ll put your gift in a safe and you can work out the combination,” another joked.

It isn’t the first time a bride’s wedding demands have baffled the Internet lately. From asking guests to foot the catering bill to making friends compete for a spot in the wedding party.

And more recently one bride-to-be’s sparked a huge debate online after her controversial weight-based dress code went viral.

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