Bride And Groom Honour Their Grandmas By Making Them Flower Girls At Their Wedding

Who says flower girls have to be under 5? [Photo: Facebook/Ashley Elizabeth Photography]

There’s nothing cuter than a couple of toddler flower girls tottering down the aisle at a wedding. Except maybe a couple of sweet grannies doing the same.

In a break from the usual tradition, when Josh and Maggie Wakefield got married recently, instead of asking the youngest family members to fill in as a flower girls they decided to ask the eldest…their grandmas. And it was the sweetest thing ever!

With a combined age of 149 years, Maggie’s grandma Joyce and Josh’s grandma, Drue stole the show as they performed their wedding duties at the ceremony which took place at White Chimneys in Gap, Pennsylvania.

The decision to mix-up the wedding roles was particularly poignant for the bride. Having sadly lost her father to colon cancer in December 2013, it was especially important to Maggie that her dad’s parents – Grandma Joyce and Grandpa Ronald – played a pivotal part in the wedding party. So with Grandpa Ronald walking the bride down the aisle, it seemed fitting that Joyce had an equally important role.

Maggie and Josh made their grandmas a pivotal part of their day [Photo: Facebook/Maggie Wakefield via Ashley Elizabeth Photography]

“She is like a second mother to me,” Maggie told the Huffington Post.

“I have so many fond memories of my sister and I sleeping over at my grandmother’s house as children making homemade sugar cookies. My grandparents have been a huge support in my life and I learned to really value their opinions and stories.”

“I’m sure that my father was looking down, smiling and laughing, at his mother throwing flower petals, with his father and me following from behind.”

And Josh’s has an equally special bond with his grandma, Drue.

“She has been a huge influence in Josh’s life,” Maggie said. “She is one of the most caring, gentle and thoughtful women that I know.”

Maggie and her bridesmaids [Photo: Facebook/Maggie Wakefield via Ashley Elizabeth Photography]

The women wore matching violet/grey gowns with lace sleeves as they walked together up the aisle tossing petals. And boy did they rock it!

Sharing an image of the nanas performing their duties to Facebook, the couple’s photographer Ashley Elizabeth explained it was one of the most special moments she’s ever captured.

“Sometimes words fail me as I caption a photo,” she wrote. “This is one of the sweetest wedding moments I’ve EVER witnessed. The bride and groom honoured their grandmothers by having them be the “flower girls.”

No, we’re not crying, we’ve just got something in our eye.

Did you break with tradition on your wedding day? Tweet us @YahooStyleUK

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