Here Are the Best Crystals to Charge for August's Full Moon in Aquarius

The full moon phase marks a period of reflection, release and manifestation

<p></p> Horoscope, Best Crystals to Charge for August
Horoscope, Best Crystals to Charge for August's Full Moon

With August's full moon in Aquarius approaching, here is everything you need to navigate the cosmic shifts and maximize its stellar benefits.

The full moon occurs once every month when the sun (your physical reality) and the moon (your emotional foundation) are directly opposite each other in the sky, shedding light on the areas of life that require our attention. As you may know, there is a heightened sense of awareness during a full moon phase, which is why emotions tend to run high. However, it is a call for balance, which is ideal for reflection, release and manifestation. 

This particular lunation is influenced by the sun in Leo, as Luna will peak directly across in the sign of Aquarius. While Leo is all about self-expression, creativity and leadership, Aquarius (in contrast) encourages us to reflect on our sense of belonging in the world and our contribution to the world at large. The polarity between these two Fixed energies invites us to find a balance between our personal desires and the needs of our community.

Action-packed and swirling with intensity, there is nothing subtle about August’s full moon, as it is fully loaded with astrological aspects. In addition to opposing the moon, the sun will clash with rebellious Uranus, sparking unexpected shifts that encourage us to break free from limitations and embrace radical change.

will also form a challenging aspect for Jupiter and Saturn, creating tension between the desire for expansion and pleasure versus reality checks that demand discipline and responsibility. Jupiter will also be at odds with Saturn, amplifying the struggle between growth and restriction, so it's important to tread carefully.

Read on for how to charge your crystals and manifest under August’s full moon in Aquarius.

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Why should you charge your crystals during the full moon?

Charging crystals under the full moon is a powerful and ancient ritual rooted in the belief that the moon's energy can cleanse, amplify and recharge a crystal's inherent properties.

During the full moon phase, the sun's opposition to the moon represents a peak of energy, clarity and intuition. The opposition and gravitational pull between these ever-glowing luminaries creates a powerful and dynamic energy that is ideal for charging crystals, as it is believed to cleanse and enhance their natural properties.

Overall, the full moon's light infuses the crystals with enhanced vibrational frequencies, believed to make them more effective for manifesting.

When is the best time to charge crystals for August's full moon?

This month's full moon in Aquarius will peak on Aug. 19 at 2:26 p.m. ET.

The best time to charge crystals for the full moon is during the night of the lunation and the nights surrounding it. The peak energy of the full moon occurs when the moon is at its fullest, but the energy can last up to three days. Here are the best times to charge crystals:

Night before the full moon: If you want to start early, the moon is nearly full at this time, and its energy is already very potent.

Night of the full moon: This is the most powerful time to charge your crystals. The moon's energy is at its peak, providing the maximum amount of lunar energy for your crystals to absorb.

Night after the full moon: The energy of the full moon is still strong, and this night can be used if you miss the peak or want to extend the charging process.

What are the best crystals to charge for August's full moon?

Charging crystals under the full moon allows you to harness the dynamic and transformative energies at play. With Luna reaching its peak in the rebellious sign of Aquarius, it's important to consider themes surrounding your visions of the future, especially since this lunation amplifies the potential for significant breakthroughs.

Here are four crystals to charge and why they would be beneficial:

Amethyst: Besides being this Air sign's birthstone, Amethyst is known for its spiritual protection and high-vibrational energy. This crystal enhances our intuition and spiritual awareness, aligning perfectly with Aquarius' visionary archetype. Under this lunation, Amethyst can help you tap into your intuition, as it offers clarity and insight as you navigate the supercharged energies of this full moon.

Hematite: Hematite is a grounding stone that provides protection and stability, which can be all the more beneficial during a full moon with such tense aspects. With the potential for unexpected shifts and emotional intensity, Hematite can help you stay grounded and centered, allowing you to manage turbulent energies with composure and resilience.

Red Jasper: A powerful stone for grounding and stability, Red Jasper can come in handy under this chaotic lunation, where the energies of change and rebellion are particularly tense. It can help you stay present and anchored in your truth, as it provides the strength and courage needed to embrace change without losing your sense of self in the process.

Labradorite: A stone of transformation and protection, Labradorite aligns perfectly with Uranian themes of innovation and change brought on by the full moon in Aquarius. Charging this stone can amplify your ability to navigate the unknown and embrace new beginnings with peace of mind.

What should you do with your crystals after the full moon?

Once you've charged your crystals, there are several steps you can take to integrate their renewed energy into your daily life and manifestation process.

Set intentions with your crystals: At your own pace, hold each crystal in your hand and set specific intentions that resonate with their distinct energy and properties. Speak or meditate on your goals, aspirations or specific areas of life where you need support.

Carry the crystals with you: Keep your charged crystals close to you by placing them in your pocket, wearing them as jewelry or keeping them in a small pouch. Having them nearby ensures that their energy surrounds your aura, providing continuous support and protection.

Adorn your personal space: With strategy and intention, place your crystals in specific locations around your home and workspace.

Amethyst: Place in areas where you need spiritual clarity, like your nightstand or under your pillow.

Hematite: Keep in locations where you seek grounding, such as near the front door or in your workspace.

Red Jasper: Keep in areas where you desire more stability and motivation, such as your desk or living room.

Labradorite: Place in areas where you spend time in solitude and self-reflect, such as on your meditation altar.

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