Camila Cabello reveals she uses ASMR to help her fall asleep

camila cabello
ASMR: The mind-soothing trend dominating TikTokGetty Images

Have you ever experienced the tingle that zips down your head and into your neck when someone touches your hair, very gently? That feeling of a total, sensory relaxation – almost a primal sensation of safety?

A flutter of static that starts in your scalp and ends in your shoulders, bringing with it a blissed-out feeling of calm. Oh – and, rather than being stoked by someone close to you, it's arrived courtesy of a total stranger, the soothing whispers of whom you're hearing via your tinny laptop speakers.

Very gentle, slightly strange and hugely popular, welcome to the world of ASMR. It's been gaining popularity on social media, with a sleep epidemic in our midst and celebrity ASMR putting it firmly on the wellness map. As it stands, the TikTok term has 665 billion views, with ASMR acolytes referring to the growing trend as a 'brain massage

Camila Cabello agrees. In her latest TikTok video, she shared an ASMR-inspired bedtime routine with her followers. 'If you know me you know I love ASMR and I even watch the weird (although I prefer the term 'niche') scalp check ones.' She's also joined forces with meditation app Calm to create a new sleep story harnessing autonomous sensory meridian response, which mixes up sounds vibrations and sensory storytelling.

So what is ASMR?

ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, which essentially means those tingles you get on the skin when something feels good. Typically, those tingles start on the scalp, and move pleasingly down the back of the neck and upper spine. In the modern ASMR movement, these feelings are activated by audible 'triggers,' spoken or created in video form by an ASMR artist who uploads their clips to YouTube.

These might include sounds like gentle whispering, in which the artist role plays being your hairdresser, looking down the lens directly at you and saying that they're about to clip your locks back. Or it might be the persistent 'tap, tap, tap' of long fingernails on the back of a cardboard box of Pukka tea. Whatever it is, the genre-defining style of the video is one complete with hypnotic, slow-paced actions and and a protective, sometimes motherly, vibe. They're wildly well watched: at present, there are over 6 million ASMR-related videos on YouTube, with the most popular practitioners' accounts boasting over a million subscribers.

If the thought of watching a nice person you've never met folding towels or rustling wind chimes does zero for chilling you out, then, that's not weird. While there are no exact figures for how many people claim to enjoy the physical effects that ASMR is designed to cause, it's certainly not all of us. Regardless, ASMR looks to be a verifiable phenomenon: 2018 research from the University of Sheffield showed lower levels of (self reported) stress and sadness and higher levels of calmness in those that it affects, against a control group. As well as the chill-out effects, some people describe a 'euphoria' coming over them, when they watch certain videos.

What is ASMR Good for?

Research into ASMR is relatively limited. The term was only really coined in 2010 and it’s pretty tricky to track tingles. That said, as well as the research from Sheffield, a 2015 study from Swansea University found the majority of people using ASMR videos were doing so to help alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression, stress and insomnia – with positive effect.

It’s perhaps unsurprising then that 2018 – the year that saw certain mental health taboos toppled and the dawn of a more open conversation around mental illness – was the year that ASMR really broke out. As well as the volume of views on artists' channels, phone company Samsung has designed a phone case specifically for recording ASMR videos with a higher quality of sound, while the practice made it to the small screen, with a Netflix documentary on the creators and fans of the videos released in April.

(Side note: while the talk of 'role playing' and the clear intimacy of the videos may make it sound like this whole thing is a fetish in disguise, the purpose of these videos is not, largely, around sexual stimulation. The Swansea study revealed that only 5% of people use ASMR for arousal, so, pretty small numbers.)

How Does ASMR Work?

In its simplest form, it looks like ASMR videos work because the presenter is playing the role of a loving parent: caring for you with soothing tones and performing gentle and familiar actions. The brain recognises the actions and recalls associated feelings of comfort, safety and relaxation, so you relive those feelings in the present day.

The exact science is less confirmed. However, it is thought that people who experience ASMR – because, remember, not everyone does – have a slightly different organisation or wiring of the brain that means certain areas of the brain that might not usually fire up together, do; and vice versa.

So, how to find out which camp you fall into? Watch an ASMR video for yourself and see what happens. You might be pleasantly – no, euphorically – surprised.

3. ASMR Videos to Watch

1. Gentle Whispering

She’s been doing it since before it was trendy and Maria, aka the Gentle Whisperer, is still the one to go to for whispers, crinkly fabric and stroking. Maria began making ASMR videos in 2011, after discovering they helped her manage her own symptoms of depression.

2. Olivia Kissper ASMR

Let Olivia transport you to a spa, hairdresser’s or massage table in her role-playing style videos aimed at melting away anxiety and promoting relaxation.

3. Lily Whispers ASMR

One of those leading the modern-day ASMR movement, around 80% of Lily’s followers are women under 30.

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