7 popular companies doing amazing things to support survivors of domestic abuse

Despite hopes that a post-pandemic life would be all sunshine and rainbows, there's no denying that 2023 has been difficult for many, especially with the tough financial times we find ourselves in.

It makes sense then that we're all keen to spend our cash more wisely – not only in the financial sense, but in an ethical manner too – and we're more conscious than ever about where our hard-earned pennies are going.

That's why we've pulled together a round-up of the companies supporting domestic abuse survivors – of which, there are an estimated 2.4 million in the UK – to find out about the good they're doing behind-the-scenes with organisations such as Refuge and Women's Aid...


As part of L'OCCITANE's ongoing commitment to empowering women, the beauty and wellness brand have partnered with Women's Aid for the third year in a row this International Women's Day. To support the vital work carried out by Women's Aid, £2 from the sale of every L'OCCITANE Give Back Hand Cream Trio will be donated to the charity.

Speaking about the impact that the donations had last year, Women’s Aid fundraising manager, Faye Connelly, told Cosmopolitan UK: "The donation from L’OCCITANE made a huge difference to Women’s Aid last year. Every conversation one of our support workers had on the Live Chat Helpline, every training session that we delivered and every campaign that we ran to raise awareness of domestic abuse, [these were] only made possible thanks to donations like L’OCCITANE’s."

Connelly went on: "We are so grateful to every L’OCCITANE customer whose generosity has supported our work."

Learn more about L'OCCITANE's decades-long mission to empower women here

Bumble and Badoo

Dating apps Bumble and Badoo recently teamed up with Bloom (a trauma support service) to offer complimentary online support to anyone who reports sexual assault or relationship abuse. If users do sadly experience this whilst using the app, they can report this using the in-app tool (more information on how to do that, here).

"The safety of our members has been central to Bumble's mission from day one," Kenya Fairley, Bumble’s Head of Safety Support, told Cosmopolitan UK. "It is vital that we create a space for survivors within our community to be seen, heard and believed. Bumble and Badoo’s partnership with Bloom has allowed us to bring top-of-the-line trauma support services to our community."

The support sessions have been designed by Bumble and Bloom based on survivor-led insights and feedback, and anyone who reports sexual assault or relationships abuse on either Bumble or Badoo will receive a code for free access to support. The self-guided support courses – available to download via Bloom – include: Healing from Sexual Trauma; Society, Patriarchy, and Sexual Trauma; and Dating, Boundaries, and Relationships.

Learn more about the partnership here


Last year the UK's leading digital bank, Monzo, revealed an eight-fold increase in disclosures of abuse – including domestic and economic – using its 'Share with us' chat tool. At the same time, Surviving Economic Abuse (one of Monzo's charity partners) found that 67% of economic abuse victims are in a negative budget, with 27% having less than £100 to their name at the end of each month. On top of that, according to Surviving Economic Abuse, victims now have on average £20,000 of debt in their name, taken out by an abuser, compared to £3,000 in 2020 – a staggering 567% increase.

To combat this, Monzo has partnered with Surviving Economic Abuse to share tips on how to spot the warning signs of economic abuse, and is encouraging donations to the charity via its in-app 'Charity Pots' tool.

Learn more about getting help through Monzo here

Benefit Cosmetics

Makeup brand Benefit Cosmetics has worked with domestic abuse charity Refuge since 2012. Together, Benefit Cosmetics and Refuge have empowered women to rebuild their lives free from violence and fear.

Learn more about Benefit's 'Bold is Beautiful' project (in partnership with Refuge) here

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Beauty brand Avon created the Avon Foundation for Women back in 2014 and since then have contributed more than £65 million globally to "support awareness, education and the development and implementation of prevention and direct service programmes". It also joined forces with Refuge during the COVID-19 pandemic to help raise funds to support domestic abuse victims.

"Avon is committed to supporting communities across the UK during these challenging times," the brand wrote on Instagram. "We are donating £150k from sales of our new hand gel to domestic abuse charity @refugecharity."

It's also teamed up with the NO MORE Foundation, to help put an end to verbal abuse, highlighting that mistreatment isn't always physical.

Shop Avon's website here


Independent skincare brand Wake supports survivors of domestic violence by donating 5% of net profits to Women’s Aid.

Visit Wake's website here

Refuge’s National Domestic Abuse Helpline 0808 2000 247, is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week for free, confidential specialist support. You can also visit click here to request a safe time to be contacted or to access live chat (live chat available 3pm-10pm, Monday to Friday).

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