These 5 foods help slow the ageing process, claims dietician

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Photo credit: Getty

From Country Living UK

You don't have to spend a fortune on the latest beauty products to give your skin a bit of a boost.

According to Australian dietician Melanie McGrice, certain foods can help slow the ageing process and keep your skin, hair and nails looking healthy and glowing.

"Our diet significantly impacts our skin and how rapidly we age, both inside and out," she told the Daily Mail.

So what should we be stocking our fridges with? Here are Melanie's tips...

1. Sweet potatoes

These are low GI and a great source of vitamin A. "Research suggests that a high GI increases our risk of breakouts," says Melanie. Vitamin A can also help prevent skin becoming rough and dry.

2. Garlic

Adding garlic to your meal increases blood flow, which gives the same glow you get from playing sport. It also contains the antioxidant allicin, which helps protect against free radicals such as pollution and smoke damage.

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Photo credit: Johner Images / Getty

3. Spinach

The dark green leafy veg is rich in vitamins A and C, which can help repair skin damage.

4. Oily fish

Try eat some oily fish such as salmon every week – it's one of the richest sources of omega-3 available which, as well as helping your brain and heart, will keep your skin fresh and your hair glossy.

5. Kale

It's not just a fad. The clean eating favourite kale is packed full of carotenoids, which are believed to prevent aged-related collagen degradation.

In addition to regularly eating these nutritious foods, Melanie recommends cutting down on sugar and alcohol. "Alcohol is a strong diuretic which dehydrates our skin," she explains. "Try to limit to a glass and compensate with plenty of water."

She also reveals that she reaches for apples as snacks, as they boost collagen production as well as being low GI. "I always pop one in my handbag when I'm heading out the door," she says.

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