25 best inner thigh exercises to sculpt and strengthen your upper legs
Inner thigh exercises are designed to target the tricky inside area of the leg, and from sumo squats to crab walks with a resistance band, the number of exercises that target the area is vast. Unsure which to go for? We're here to set you straight.
What are the best exercises for inner thighs?
While there's no one exercise that's best, there are moves that target your inner thighs, as well as other muscles too. From compound exercises – moves that target multiple muscle groups – to isolation exercises that focus on one specific area, toning your inner thighs isn't as hard as it sounds.
For example, a lateral lunge targets your inner thigh more than most movements. ‘It strengthens your adductors (inner upper thigh muscles) and abductors (outer hip muscles) more due to the sideways movement,' explains Virgin Active master trainer Dorota Maslewska.
'Our body moves across three different planes of motion: sagittal, frontal and transverse,' Emily Taylor, a personal trainer at Fitness Lab explains. 'Many of the exercises we do to target our lower body occur in the sagittal plane [front to back]. Neglecting the other two can, over time, create muscular imbalances and contribute to joint stiffness and eventual injury.' Not good.
However, there are other exercises that may not target the inner-thighs in isolation, but absolutely still strengthen those adductors. Sumo squats, barbell squats and split squats are all movements that recruit the upper inner muscles (as well as others), too.
Strength training (working with resistance) is what sculpts and builds muscle tissue, but it isn't the whole story. If you're trying to change your body composition (and lose body fat or lose leg fat, for example), making sure you're eating in a calorie deficit and doing enough cardio exercise alongside your strength training is very important, too. More on this shortly.
Why is it important to strengthen your thigh muscles?
Your thighs take on a lot. Whether you're a runner, a HIIT-fittie or love to strength train, your thighs along with your glutes and core are a major source of power and stability. Officially known as the 'adductors', the inner thigh muscle is actually made up of five different muscles: the gracilis, obturator externus, adductor brevis, adductor longus and adductor magnus.
These muscles are surrounded by bigger muscle groups that can 'take over' if given half a chance. For example, if you're quad-dominant, you might end up strengthening your thighs to the detriment of your glutes or vice-versa when you squat. Hence, doing a combination of isolate and compound moves to strengthen the smaller muscles as well is essential.
Not only that, but they can help to keep knee and hip joints strong by mitigating the strain and stress placed upon them. If you're a runner or cardio fanatic this is important.
How do you get rid of inner thigh fat?
You cannot spot reduce fat from your body. No way, no how. It's biologically impossible. Instead, when you lose body fat you'll lose it gradually from across your whole body, eventually dropping it from the places you most want – e.g. the inner thigh.
If you want the top line on how to lose body fat safely and sustainably, know that it's about eating in a calorie deficit, doubling down on good nutrition, getting quality sleep, managing stress and upping your NEAT exercise (e.g. daily movement that isn't a specific workout). We broke down everything you need to know about losing leg fat, too.
For now, back to the 22 best inner thigh exercises. We suggest you add them into your next leg day or build a workout from the ones below. Remember, some are compound movements, meaning you'll be working more muscles than just your inner thighs. So, if you wake up with glute or quad DOMs, know you're just getting more bang for your workout buck. A muscle gun might help work out knots or getting down with a foam roller a few times a week.
25 best exercises for inner thighs
Resistance Band Squat Walk
a) Pull or tie the resistance band around your legs just above your knees or ankles. Keep your feet wide enough that you can feel the burn
b) Lower your bum towards the ground into a squat position. Then step sideways four or five times and repeat the other way.
Resistance Band Clamshells
a) Wrap the resistance band snugly around both thighs just above the knees and tie it securely. Lie on your right side, elbow under the shoulder, hips stacked with knees in line.
b) Keeping feet together, open your left knee out into a diamond shape, lifting your right foot off the floor as you do this.
c) Lower the left knee back down to close your legs without lowering the right foot to the floor.
Step Ups
a) Keep your heel flat on the step, your knee should track slightly outwards.
b) Step up, keeping your torso tall and proud.
c) Brace your core and straighten your leg to bring yourself to standing on the step.
d) Keeping your shoulders back and head up, lower your leg down slowly to the ground.
Barbell Split Squat
a) Holding the bar in an overhand grip, use your shoulders to press the barbell over your head and position it on your shoulders, keeping your elbows under the bar. Then take a stride forward with the right leg. No wobbling now.
b) Lower into a 90° lunge – keeping the knee over the toe.
c) Come up to starting position and repeat. Make sure to. do both sides.
Bulgarian Split Squat
a) Stand with a dumbbell in each hand facing away from a bench with your right leg extended back and foot on top of the bench.
b) Bend the front knee until the knee of the rear leg is almost in contact with the floor then return to the original standing position.
Kettlebell Single-Leg Deadlift
a) Stand with one foot on the mat – with a slightly bent knee – and one foot slightly raised. Hold a free weight (a dumbbell or kettlebell) in one hand. It should be on the same side as the slightly raised foot.
b) Hinge at the hips to push your bum and raised leg backwards until your upper body forms a flat line.
c) Use your glutes to return to standing, trying to keep your raised leg floating off of the ground. Repeat.
Goblet Squat
a) Holding a weight in front of your chest, stand with your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned out.
b) Keeping your weight in your heels, bend your knees and lower your bum back and down, as if you’re about to sit in a chair.
c) As you lower, engage your core, pull your weight back through your hips and ensure your shoulders don’t round.
d) When your thighs are parallel with the floor, pause for a second, then drive through your heels to push back up to the starting position.
Goblet Squat with Pause
a) Holding a weight in front of your chest, stand with your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned out.
b) Keeping your weight in your heels, bend your knees and lower your bum back and down, as if you’re about to sit in a chair.
c) As you lower, engage your core, pull your weight back through your hips and ensure your shoulders don’t round.
d) When your thighs are parallel with the floor, pause for two to three counts, then drive through your heels to push back up to the starting position.
Barbell Squat
a) Stand with your feet a little wider than hip-width apart in a squat stance - with your toes slightly turned out.
b) Hold the bar across your upper back with an overhand grip. Pull your shoulders back so that the bar can rest comfortably on the shelf created by your shoulder blades. Take a deep breath in through your belly.
c) Keeping your lower back slightly arched, lower your body as deep as you can – without letting your knees come together.
d) Initiate the movement by first pushing your hips back, then bend your knees. Your torso should stay as upright as possible.
e) Pause at the bottom of the movement, then reverse back to the starting position.
Kettlebell Sumo Squat
a) Holding a weight in front of you, stand nice and wide with both toes pointing slightly outward. Bend your knees until your quads are parallel to the floor.
b) Push through your heels, straighten your legs to return to a standing position.
Swiss Ball Squat
a) Stand nice and tall, holding a swiss ball in front of you with straight arms. Bend your knees until your quads are parallel to the floor.
b) Push through your heels, straighten your legs to return to a standing position. Try to keep the swiss ball in the same place the entire time. You'll work your core and thighs with this move.
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