What has Mario Balotelli done to upset a train controller?

What has Mario Balotelli done to upset a train controller?
What has Mario Balotelli done to upset a train controller?

Former Manchester City footballer Mario Balotelli can't seem to stay out of trouble and is reportedly facing a fine after he was caught smoking on a train.

AFP reports that the 22-year-old AC Milan striker, famed for his antics off the pitch, was with teammates travelling to Florence for Sunday's match against Fiorentina when he upset a train controller.

"You have to twist Balotelli's ear, he was smoking in the toilets," the controller told AC Milan chief executive Adriano Galliani, according to Italian newspaper Gazzetta dello Sport.

Galliani joked that the footballer would be fined before asking one of Balotelli's teammates to tell him "he's earnt himself a fine!"

In Italy, smoking is banned in all public spaces since 10 January 2005. Special rooms are allowed for smokers but not in enclosed places, such as trains and underground stations.

And smoking in a train toilet isn't the craziest thing Balotelli has done...

In November 2010 while he was in Italy, Mario and his brother drove into a women's prison just to take a look around. In April 2011, the footballer reportedly won £25,000 at a casino and gave £1,000 to a homeless man. Then in October 2011 he triggered a fire in his own bathroom with fireworks.

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