BA to resume flights to Libya despite Foreign Office travel advice

BA to resume flights to Libya despite Foreign Office advice
BA to resume flights to Libya despite Foreign Office advice


British Airways is set to resume its flight service to Libya, despite the fact the Foreign Office still advises against all but essential travel to the country.

Flights from Heathrow to the country's capital, Tripoli, will run three times a week from 1 May 2012, according to the Telegraph.

Its services were suspended last February following the outbreak of civil war, but fighting officially ended in October, and NAO has lifted its no-fly zone over the area.

The Foreign Office, however, still advises against travel to Tripoli, and many operators, including Abercrombie and Kent and Responsible Travel, still aren't running trips to the region.

British Airways chief executive Keith Williams told the Telegraph: "We are delighted to be returning to Libya.

"Our flights to Tripoli have provided a vital economic link for many years, and it is good news for everyone that we can now restart operations."

BA are not the only airline to resume services to the country; Air France will also start its flights again at the end of March.

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