17 Signs From The Past Week That Are So Funny, You'll Be Laughing Until 2025
Somehow, we made it through November, and we're now in the final month of 2024. So kick your feet up and enjoy the funniest signs of the week, courtesy of r/funnysigns:
1."Not the potholes."
2."Oddly specific."
3."Free beer!!"
4."Can't argue with that logic."
5."Came with my bed frame."
6."This no parking sign threatens to post a no parking sign if you park in the no parking area."
7."Merry Chrisimas."
8."Never go for physical therapy at this place."
9."Saw this while walking."
10."Sign spotted in a UK pub. Made me chuckle."
11."It’s okay elevator."
12."This seems oddly specific, Brisbane, Australia."
13."Your wife/GF tells you, 'I'll be back, I'm going to Get Nailed...'"
14."This is the most Chicago gasoline discount I’ve ever seen."
15."Found in a Zaxbys restroom."
16."Found in the restroom of a health food store."
17."Hopefully Tuesdays have better prices."