Woman goes viral after helping stranger on the brink of an epileptic fit

A commuter’s experience with a fellow passenger suffering from epilepsy has struck a chord with the internet. [Photo: Getty]
A commuter’s experience with a fellow passenger suffering from epilepsy has struck a chord with the internet. [Photo: Getty]

A woman has gained viral status on Twitter after helping a stranger on public transport who suffers from epilepsy.

Erynn Brook, a media student, from Ontario, Canada, described how she was travelling back home at 10pm when she came across a young woman.

The 18-year-old revealed she was on the brink of an epileptic fit, and provided her with a “seizure plan” to explain what was about to happen.

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The subsequent thread has been praised by the internet for highlighting the everyday experience of living with the condition.

Brook described how she deciding to stay on with the woman as she began having a seizure.

Reading the woman’s seizure plan, she learns these seizures occur between one and four times a day and last between 10 minutes and an hour.

Later down in the thread, Brook – who escorted the young woman home – expresses what she has learnt through the difficulties associated with living with epilepsy.

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She also expresses her fears for sufferers’ safety.

She has been praised for sharing her experience, which many agree highlights the vulnerability of living with epilepsy.

What is epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a common condition which causes frequent seizures due bursts of electrical activity in the brain, according to the NHS website.

It can start at any age but most commonly begins either in childhood or in one’s 60s.

For more information on epilepsy, including how to help someone who is having a seizure, visit the Epilepsy Action website.

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