To the woman who... was 40 years my senior and inspired me to start a new life!

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Red Online

This wonderful story of female empowerment is testament to the strong bonds and friendships that frequently occur when solo travellers discover the world. While travelling, Laura befriended a 72 year old woman in a hostel who gave her the confidence she needed to start a new life.

I hope you’re well. This is not just one more of my letters where I update you on what I’ve got going on in my life, the exhibitions I’ve recently been to or the films that I think you’d enjoy watching. This is a letter to tell you all those things that we never say to our friends face to face because we assume they know the impact they have in our lives and to ultimately say thank you.

I can still recall the day we met at Artbeat Rooms Hostel in Portugal in 2017. I remember specifically how I was feeling about my life at the time. I had just moved to Lisbon by myself and it was the first time that I had been away from home all on my own. The future was exciting and full of possibilities but also seemed very unclear for me.

I could never imagine what our friendship would turn into or mean to me. I was 26 and you were 72. From our first conversation, I knew that you had so much to teach me and so much love to give, without ever asking anything in return. You taught me you can always find an amazing friend in a new city, if you open your heart to it. You made me feel like family and I knew that whatever happened in my life, I could call you for a chat, invite you for a walk and an ice cream and everything would be just fine.

You were there for me in the moments that I needed you the most. You told me how amazing I was, how I could do anything I wanted to if I put my mind to it. You know how I was feeling about my career by the time and I am 100% sure that it was you who gave me confidence I needed to apply for jobs and start a new life!

I knew that I would miss you every day when our time together came to an end. But I moved to a new city, got a job that I am passionate about and I know you are so happy for me and only at the end of the phone. I love getting home to find a letter from you, asking me how things are and telling me all your great adventures.

It’s great to look at you and all the energy you have and to think that despite the 40 years between us, life is just starting again!

Thanks for believing in me, for being my family away from home and for all the great times we shared together in Lisbon. I can’t wait for out next meet up!

With Love,

Laura x

Letter originally from

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