Why Prince William changed his uniform for Trooping the Colour this weekend

why prince william changed his uniform for trooping the colour
Why Will's Trooping the Colour uniform is diffMax Mumby/Indigo - Getty Images

It's only been a few weeks since King Charles III's coronation celebrations, but royal fans have yet more to be excited about as this Saturday marks the monarch's first Trooping the Colour.

The event – which is this year taking place on 17 June – is an annual tradition dating back to the 1700s and marks the official birthday of the sovereign. The occasion will see a spectacular parade of soldiers march through the streets, and members of the Royal Family will join either on horseback or in a carriage. Later, the King and Queen will lead royals out onto the Buckingham Palace balcony to watch an RAF flypast.

Ahead of the big day, the Royal Family are busy making preparations, and that includes Prince William who carried out the Colonel's Review – the final rehearsal of the parade before it is witnessed by the King – at Horse Guards Parade over the past weekend.

During the Colonel's Review, royal fans noticed that William's uniform differed to the one he was seen in last year – and it's all to do with his new title, the Prince of Wales.

why prince william changed his uniform for trooping the colour
Karwai Tang - Getty Images

As the Prince of Wales, William has adopted the role of Colonel of the Welsh Guards. To reflect this, William wore a leek symbol on his collar and decorated his traditional bearskin hat with a white and green plume.

The Prince's uniform was also adorned with four medals – in comparison to the two he wore last year – one of which appears to be from the late Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

Taking to Twitter after the rehearsal, William thanked those taking part and referenced the day's high temperatures, which resulted in several guards fainting.

"A big thank you to every solider who took part in the Colonel’s Review this morning in the heat," the royal tweeted. "Difficult conditions but you all did a really good job. Thank you. W."

We can't wait to see the Trooping the Colour in action.

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