Why This Mom's Breastfeeding Picture Is Like None You've Seen Before

From Cosmopolitan

This week's uplifting, lovely breastfeeding story from Breastfeeding Mama Talk comes from Katrina Bolduc, a woman who's gone viral for the above photo of her feeding her baby at the finish line of this year's San Luis Obispo, California, triathlon.

This was Bolduc's first triathlon back since she had her baby, and "as soon as I finished my little 7 month old needed to eat. Got my medal and fed my baby like a champ! I dared anyone to test me here, but no one even cared, and even commented as I fed him 'congrats.' This is a special day in the books for me!" she captioned the photo which has thousands of reactions and almost 200 shares since it was posted on Sunday.

Bolduc, 28, told TODAY she never intended on being a breastfeeding advocate when she posted the photo, but that she's excited to lean in to her new reputation: "Now I'm like, 'heck, yeah, I'll stand up for women everywhere, the athletic community and just moms in general,'" she said. "I think there needs to be more positivity and encouragement so we can continue to live our lives and feed our children and not feel like we need to run away and hide in a car or bathroom."

The post has prompted hundreds of other mothers to comment with stories of their first big postpartum athletic event - Bolduc has commented congratulating almost all of them.

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