ITV This Morning fans distracted by Ben Shephard's 'annoying habit' - and they're fuming

Ben and Cat mid interview on This Morning
-Credit: (Image: ITV)

This Morning viewers noticed that Ben Shephard, 49, continued to take off and put on his glasses - which proved to be distracting. During the ITV programme, different online users took to social media to complain about it.

Expressing their annoyance on Twitter - formerly known as X - fans begged for Ben to either stop fiddling around with his spectacles or to instead use contact lenses. One person kicked of the groans, stating: "FFS Ben, either leave the glasses on or permanently take them off."

Another added: "Put the glasses on, Ben Or put them down." A third person agreed: "#Thismorning Ben needs contact lenses. Glasses on/off/on/off must surely be irritating."

Meanwhile earlier this week, the daytime fan-favourite was thrown into chaos when Ben's co-host Cat Deeley exited the programme mid interview after falling ill. Earlier in the programme, the former SMTV Live star had revealed that she was battling on despite having a nasty cold, reports the Mirror.

The 47 year old could be heard struggling as she began to cough uncontrollably but her illness got dramatically worse. It just so happened, that doctor Zoe and another medical expert had been on the show as it all became too much Cat.

Doctor Zoe was in the middle of a discussion about antidepressants with Ben and his co-host when the unexpected happened Cat Deeley suddenly stood up and left the set. The guests were visibly concerned, saying, "I hope she is alright."

The sudden exit of the presenter threw everyone for a loop, with Doctor Zoe losing his train of thought and Ben having to take over solo presenting duties. With a touch of humour, the former GMB presenter reassured, "You're in good hands Cat, we've got two doctors here," before steering the show back on course.

Once the interview segment concluded, attention swiftly returned to Cat's wellbeing. Ben enquired, "Are you alright? ," to which she responded, "'I think so, just about."

Post-break, she explained to the audience, "I've got a bit on a runny eye but i'll be okay."

Cat's temporary absence didn't slip past the eagle-eyed viewers, some of whom suggested she should have perhaps taken the day off if under the weather. One fan commented on social media: "Forbid Cat might have hayfever fgs #thismorning," while another expressed concern: "Hope Cat's ok. I've had coughing fits like that and they're not fun #ThisMorning."

Another viewer questioned her decision to come in, writing: "Why did Cat go in with a cold spreading it around #ThisMorning," and yet another chimed in with a similar sentiment: "Stay at home Cat, ur barking like a dog today #thismorning."